The worst thing about Twitter is that 3-5% of your audience will interpret what you’ve said with the least charitable interpretation.

When you have 5k followers, these are usually whackos with anonymous accounts. Whatever...

When you have 100k+, it’s people you actually admire.
Our brains aren’t designed for this.

And accordingly, it always ruins my day and makes me feel sad, no matter how unfair I think their interpretation of what I’ve said is.

Such a catch 22...
On the positive side:

Share learnings with others, get dopamine hits and feedback, meet smart people, build an audience, etc.

On the negative side:

Become disliked by 3-5% of people who previously had a neutral or even positive opinion of you.

You can follow @awilkinson.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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