My clipping (skills? is this a skill?) have come up several times the past couple of weeks. Decided to capture some thoughts on how and why I clip on Twitch the way I do. 1/10
There are 3 main reasons I'll click the Clip button on Twitch:
1 - It made me laugh or react
2 - It made chat laugh or react*
3 - Wild card**

*See S9E8 of @RivalsWaterdeep. Many things happened I wanted to clip so I was behind the live show. I used the cast & chat reactions on a 2nd screen since I was behind to decide if I should click "clip" w/ 10 clips open.

That episode thread here👇 3/10
**Wild card aka being a marketer. Moments that don't stand out but serve a purpose.

Ex: a natural product callout (cc @urbanbohemian). Experience from my day job basically. For streamers, it supports their work w/ companies. 4/10
It's fun (and funny!) to clip as well as a great way to support a creator!

Make their life easier: in a 2+ hour stream, remembering when a 5 second thing happened & *finding* it again is hard. Viewers and mods that clip or set stream markers help a lot! 5/10
As a mod, it's another way to support. With Rivals, there's a group of mods online & several who are better + faster at comment moderation. I bring more to the team by engaging chat to keep the conversation flowing or (surprise!) clipping. All are equally valuable. 6/10
I also, on average, generate longer clips in the 45-60 second range. There's two reasons:
1 - Give context for the 3-5 second thing that caught my attention.
2 - A clip already reduces what a content creator has to look at. They can decide what to use from there.
Curation is also important! Clicking the clip button doesn't mean I name OR share it.
- Was there actually something there to clip?
- Sometimes I clip and then on a second watch, have to ask: is this a clip I want to share w/ chat, Discord, the streamer?
I revisit my "clips I've created" page and review everything. If I hit the clip button but didn't name or share it? DELETE. Obviously wasn't a good one & I don't want to clog the streamer's "clips of my channel" page. They've got enough to think about.
Which all nets out to the fact that sometimes a clip is nonsensical because yes, it made me laugh. But generally I'm deliberate in what I clip b/c I see how it can be used, both for my own entertainment & for how it helps a streamer. FIN
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