Norroway Book 2, the Queen on the High Mountain, will be released everywhere April 20th. I wanted to share some of my favorite panels over the next few days with no context. 🧵
Get ready to see more of Captain Dhow in book 2.
Norroway 2 will also feature more guilty Petra
“Seven long years I served for thee,
The glassy hill I clamb for thee...
And wilt thou not waken and turn to me?”

Book 2 of Norroway gets us through the original fairy tale, but sets us up for trouble in book 3. Just a few more weeks before you can see for yourself!
A new character will make her debut in Norroway 2: Gilly Gumboult, the blacksmith’s daughter.
Mopp, another new addition to the Norroway cast, is a little hyperbolic
As a result, Sibylla gets herself into a bit of trouble right off the bat...
Brom and Sibylla are similarly reunited in book 2 except, spoilers, they still don’t get along
Choose your fighter.
Maire makes an appearance in Book 2 as well!
Four more favorite panels from upcoming Norroway 2
Four more, featuring more Petra, Lota, and Dagny!
And finally, the last image in this thread! Maire, the Old One herself. Cheers! You can pick up Norroway 2 on April 20th anywhere graphic novels are sold! Let us know if there’s anything else you want to see before it’s out. 👀 /FIN
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