microaggressions against deaf/hard of hearing people (a thread)
after a deaf/hoh person not hearing you - “nevermind” “i’ll tell you later”

you won’t tell us later. even if you intend to you’ll probably forget. take the time to communicate with us NOW and tell us.
“are your hearing aids in?” “put your hearing aids on”

our accessibility is for us, not you. they also don’t cure our hearing loss. it’s OUR CHOICE.
“captions annoy me” “adding captions are so much work”

well i’m not going to watch your content then or watch a movie with you because i can’t understand it.
“you don’t look deaf”

wtf are we supposed to look like? we’re regular humans we just can’t hear.
“can you understand what i’m saying?” *covers mouth*

this is extremely traumatic for deaf people as this is a tactic used to promote audism. the only person allowed to do this is an audiologist testing our comprehension.
“i don’t think of deaf as disabled”

ok and? we do? disabled or deaf isn’t a bad word.
“you talk so well for a deaf person!”

not every deaf person has a deaf accent and most deaf accents are understandable so you’re just being flat out rude here.
“you don’t speak sign language? how are you deaf?”

well thanks to alexander graham bell who discouraged it, ASL is a marginalized language that not every deaf person is given access too. aside from the cost of learning, deaf kids are often discouraged from learning it.
“you’re not that deaf” “you’re not like fully deaf” “you’re only like partially deaf”

just call us deaf? it’s not a bad thing? we’re deaf. most of us like being deaf. we don’t like it when you try to make it seem like it’s a bad thing - it’s not!
hearing person: uses ASL on tik tok
deaf person: hey we love you learning for access but please don’t use a marginalized language for likes and clout on the internet!
hearing person: does it anyways

“you’re deaf? how do you listen to music”

ummmm hearing aids exist? CIs exist? people feel the beats? we memorize the lyrics? there’s different ways, just because we don’t don’t listen to it the exact same way you do doesn’t mean we can’t listen to and experience music
“call the office to make an appointment”
the office is the audiologists office who knows damn well you cant hear them
when interacting with deaf people who don’t speak:
“can’t you speak”
deaf person who doesn’t speak: nods/signs no
hearing person *doesn’t want to interact or make an effort to interact with a non speaking deaf person/makes no effort to understand some deaf people don’t speak*
when a deaf person says they are deaf and the hearing proceeds to talk into their hearing aid or CI.

this doesn’t help us, we communicate by seeing you. eye contact is important. speaking into our hearing aids and CIs will not improve our comprehension of your speech.
while you are here, here are some deaf POC to follow
(list made by @Quinns_quirks)

the abelists and audists have found this thread so i’m muting this now for the sake of my mental health, but thank you so much to every single hearing person who took the time to read, learn, and share this. and thank you to my fellow deafies for sharing their experiences too. 💛
You can follow @blesstherain13.
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