Since arriving at Manchester United, Edinson Cavani´s movements in the box & ability to create separation & space for himself have not gone unnoticed, rightfully so. Not only is he smart in his movements, but just as importantly he is willing to make the runs.

Getting a bit of daylight between himself & his marker has allowed for Cavani to come to some big chances this season, while scoring on a few of these occasions. Off the ball movements can often go unnoticed, with 22 players on the pitch & much of the focus on the ball.
Wanting to know a bit more on what exactly makes Cavani so dangerous and what movements he makes in and around the box, I have gone back and watched some recent matches he has played in, while focusing solely on his off ball movements.
What was fascinating to see, is that he does not simply rely on 1 or 2 decisive movements, but uses a wide variety of movements. In addition, it is not just around the box, but all over the pitch. These movements do not only create space for himself, but also for others as well.
Using the #QuadrantTool, I have taken some examples and highlighted some of his movements below, hopefully offering a better understanding of the value and importance of smart and willing off the ball runners.
1-2 Combination
3rd Man Run
Blindside Run
Double Movement
Drop Off to Receive
Horizontal Runs
Open Up to Receive
Pinning and Rolling
Runs Across the Front
End of thread.
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