So who wants to play a game?

Apprently there is no institutional racism in the UK. But there must be SOME explanation for the clearly evident racial disparity that shows up in all aspects of our lives...

I mean, any right-minded individual would agree that racial disparity does exist... healthecare, education, the criminal justice system... basically everywhere.

But if institutional racism doesn't exist in the UK, you must have another explanation?

Welcome to today's game of #TryNotToBeRacist!

Rules are simple: Explain the following facts without saying something racist.

Obviously institutional racism is out, because that doesn't exist, you silly sausage! So what's your explanation?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist!
Black women are FIVE TIMES more likely to die in childbirth than white women.

Asian women are TWO TIMES more likely to die on childbirth then white women.

As there's no institutional racism, how do you explain this?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist!
Black Caribbean children are 3.5 TIMES more likely to be excluded than all other children at primary, secondary and special schools.

Remember, there's no institutional racism, so how can we explain this?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
"BAME" communities are less likely to access mental health support in primary care and more likely to end up crisis care. BAMErs are 40% more likely to access mental health services via the criminal justice system than White people. 

Explain, and remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
👆🏾Re BAME: I had to use it so I could fit the tweet in.

That's its only reasonable use!
Staying with mental health, Black and people from minoritsed ethnic groups are less likely to be referred to talking therapies and more likely to be medicated for ill mental health. 

We can't blame institutional racism, remember. So please explain, but #TryNotToBeRacist
Black men are TWO TIMES more likely to die in police custody than White men.

Ooof! Let's see if anyone can explain that one without the institutional racism that we now know doesn't exist. What other explanations might there be? 🤔

Remember #TryNotToBeRacist
Black men are more likely to be jailed for the same crimes as White men, and more likely to receive longer sentences. 

Wow! Good job there's no institutional racism in the UK, eh? So what other explanations do we have?

And please remember, #TryNotToBeRacist!
My personal favourite, the police are FOUR TIMES more likely to use force on Black people than on White. 

Obviousy we know that institutional racism can't be to blame, because that's not a real thing, apparently!

So what do we think it could be!?
Remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
We'll be back after this short break. #TryNotToBeRacist!
So, when all else is equal, people with Black sounding names are less likely to be employed than those with White sounding names (like Javan vs John).

Definitely not institutional racism, so what could it possibly be?

Job applicants with ethnic sounding names and accents are viewed less positively at interview, and people from ethnic minorities need to send an average of around 60% (Nigerians 80%) more applications to receive an equal level of interest as majority groups.🤔
Black and minoritised ethnic workers are much more likely than white workers to be in insecure jobs such as zero-hours contracts.

See if you can explain, but #TryNotToBeRacist!
One in eight black workers is employed on a temporary basis/zero-hours contract, compared with one in 20 white workers.

Remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
The unemployment rate for BAMErs of working age is nearly double that for white British groups – 8 per cent compared with 4.6 per cent (from 2017).

Obviously nothing to do to with institutional racism, so how can we explain this?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
While White British households (68%) trail Indian households (74%) in temrs of homeownership, in every socio-economic group & age group, White British households are more likely to own their own homes than all ethnic minority households combined.

Black (20%)
'Arab' (17%)
The Met Police is more likely to issue details of a criminal sentencing if it involves a Black person

We're assured there's no institutional racism in the UK, so there MUST be another explanation.

Remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
And when it comes to violent crime and drug offences, it just gets worse.

There absolutely has to be an explanation as to why the Met would do that, right?

So what could it be if its not institutional racism?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
"BAME" households in the UK are over twice as likely to live in poverty as their white counterparts, leaving them disproportionately exposed to job losses and pay cuts caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

What could the factors involved be?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
Whilst some BAMErs might do better in school (which is given as part of the evidence against IR), this doesn't actually impact on social mobility or economic opportunities.

Good GCSEs don't mean anything if you're still battling everything else in this thread.

Shall we keep going?

BAMErs are up to TWO TIMES more likely to die from Covid than White British. Pakistani THREE TIMES amd Black people FOUR times more likely.

Definitely nothing to do with institutional racism, so can you explain?

And remember, #TryNotToBeRacist
Not only are "The BAMES" more likely to die from Covid, but police forces were SEVEN TIMES more likely to fine them during lockdown than White folks!

What's going on there? Oh, and #TryNotToBeRacist!
Let's continue 👇🏾
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