I received no response from my branch secretary about my email after 72 hours, so I have lodged a complaint at regional level:
So here is the text of my complaint to the regional secretary of my union (names redacted for privacy)

I wish to lodge a complaint of sexism, misogyny, defamation, and harassment against two branch officers with regards to accusations of transphobia on my Facebook page.
Firstly, my social media (SM) is set at the highest privacy settings and I do not post under anything other than my own name, nor do I ever claim to speak for or on behalf of the union.
Usually, I keep union/work people separate from my personal SM but occasionally I add people as friends. This I did with regards to ****, as we had worked so well together during the Covid action.
I am a gender critical feminist therefore I do not subscribe to a belief in gender identity as the root of oppression for women and girls. I also believe that single sex provision under equality law is worth fighting for.
****, on the other hand, like many men on the left, believes that trans identifying men are actually women and anyone standing for women's rights is a bigot or TERF.  I have been outed as a 'TERF' before for my views and the fallout was really unpleasant,
so, once it became clear that this was his view, for my safety and privacy, I made the decision to block him from my SM. Skip forward a few days and I receive an email from branch secretary (attached).
The only way that branch secretary could be aware of anything I posted is if **** took screenshots of our conversation and shared them with him. This is a breach of the data protection act and could be seen as harassment.
Then, to receive an email stating that my comments "read as transphobic" shows that there is bias at work in his opinion & judgement. He had already decided that my comments were "wrong think" in direct contavention of my article 9 & 10 rights under human rights legislation.
I shared my response (without mentioning which union) on my SM as I am part of a huge gender critical community, amongst which, there are myriad examples of women being silenced and organisations displaying that they have been subject to policy capture by the likes of Stonewall.
My post has gone viral with thousands of comments and has been shared endlessly.  It has been reproduced in Graham Linehan's blog, on the Safe Schools Alliance website, and I have been approached by several journalists.
I am not telling you this as some kind of threat, but to highlight that silence does not mean complicity and I have inadvertently become a voice for women who have been silenced for too long.
I sent my reply to branch secretary on Friday morning and, to date, I have had no response at all, which is completely unacceptable, in and of itself.

I am hoping that it doesn't have to go to formal proceedings but I am more than prepared to take it as far as is necessary.
Misogyny and sexism must be tackled, as well as the limiting of free speech, so if that means media coverage, court cases or judicial reviews, then so be it.

I have not taken the decision to contact you lightly and I hope to hear from you soon.
You can follow @VickyMi68816191.
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