Q to students: Are you anxious about anything (related to your learning) when you think about returning to a full in-person classroom schedule in the fall? See replies 👇🏼
Not having asynchronous/flexible options
- Not having recorded live sessions to review what I don't pick up in class
- Not having a chat feature during class because it's easier to use chat feature than to speak up at times
- Possibly no open note exams
Not being able to find the buildings to my classes, especially if a class is spaced out 15 minutes from the previous one.
100% anxious! Being a freshman and spending my whole first year of college online has made me so nervous about attending actual live classes this Fall. I'll be a sophomore who basically has the experience of a freshman.
A lot of exams I have been taking have been open note, and I am concerned about getting adjusted to exams that will likely not be open note since I have now grown accustomed to those.
Getting to classes on time
I am anxious that it'll be hard to meet friends in classes and find people I enjoy learning with to sit next to and study with
I am nervous that professors are going to jump back in full force with not helping us get used to in person classes again.
I feel like I will not have as much time to grasp the material being taught. I think I will struggle with understanding whats being taught because a teacher may talk too fast, and I cant go back later and watch the recording of what they said to clarify.
I am worried that I will not be able to focus well after not being in a classroom for over a year and have adjusted to a learning environment where I can rewatch the lesson as many times as I need.
I'm definitely anxious about taking exams in a class room setting again just because I really hate watching other people finish and get up and leave because it makes me feel like really crunched for time
I am worried about labs since I will be entering higher-level lab classes without any actual in-lab experience
I am kinda scared that I have fallen behind in terms of learning so I really don't want to go back to in-person and just feel really dumb lol.
There is no pause button or rewind on in person lectures, and that is something I think I am going to have to adjust to after so many remote classes.
I feel like its going to be hard for me to have to get up every day and actually leave my house to go to class.
Educators: we need to listen and ask what will we do about this to help our students as we move forward.
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