My One Piece reaction thread starts here:

Zorro beating up a bunch of fishmen with one sword available is why he’s my favorite character.
Nami killed Usopp?????????
Of course she didn’t smh.
The Navy is so gotdamn USELESS.
This pretty much sums up Johnny and Yosaku.
Sanji is a shameless simp.
I’m sick. 😢
Arlong saw the scar Hawkeye gave Zoro and instantly got terrified. 😭
Everyone when Luffy broke Arlong’s teeth and he just kept growing more:
Luffy: *Gets a bounty placed on his head*

Everyone from Luffy’s Town:
Take back what I said about the navy being useless because Smoker had Luffy in hell.
According to my filler guide I’m officially on the Alabasta arc of One Piece now.

Safe to say I will be seeing this through to the end.
Baroque Works already caught my interest and they just got introduced.
Luffy fought Zorro because Luffy was mad Zorro took out the people that were trying to capture them. 😭😭😭😭😭
Baroque Works blew up a whole ship instantly bruh.....
Miss All Sunday is a mystery.
Is this who y’all were saying is your favorite character in One Piece?
Chopper’s backstory with Hiriluk...
They completed Hiriluk’s research...
Luffy having a brother is hilarious.
Crocodile just put that hook through Luffy’s chest dog...
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