here's the thing with NFTs. either you are actively, consciously scamming someone, or you are being scammed. If you are not thinking about scamming someone, you are the scam victim. great job. you got scammed. because you believed in NFTs lol
there is no middle ground; if you are in NFTs, you are either a rube unworthy of my respect or you are a thief unworthy of my respect. there is no scenario where you can be in NFTs and a person who deserves respect.
if someone is like "we can make SO MUCH MONEY doing NFTs" and you don't google "how do NFTs work/what are NFTs" you aren't an intelligent human, if you do google, you will find out why they're bad very quickly. if you push ahead with it after finding this out, you're a bad person
like, this is one of the most clear-cut things in the world: there is a scam market based on telling people it's about making digital "like the real world art trade" when you really are just selling digital certificates around on a fake digital currency hoping to find a victim
there are four kinds of people who are involved in NFTs:

1) the person who doesn't know anything
2) if this person chooses not to research and dives in, they're a sucker
3) if they research and dive in, they're a scammer
4) if they research and back the fuck off, they're good
if you're sitting here telling me "people should get invested now because in the FUTURE the algorithm is gonna be better," they're a genuine fuckin sucker
people who partake in NFTs deserve nothing but hostility, full stop.
"Imma participate in this thing that MIGHT make me money because I'm a goddamn fucking moron who went to a NFT marketplace (that benefits from tricking me into thinking NFTs are good) and saw people 'winning' (because they hide the majority losers) despite eco issues" = idiot
"well one day in the future they might not pollute"

okay well right this SECOND it's more costly than literal real world gold mining for a fucking gold star that tellls you that you own a JPG and the second any NFT company shuts down (remember mt gox?) you lose all your money
I cannot explain enough how there are only going to be about a hundred winner and then there's all of you, the suckers and losers and greedy dipshits who don't realize you're the fucking marks
because you're all goddamn motherfucking idiots, let me explain something to you: the bl*ckchain (don't really wanna get those kind of bots in my mentions so I'm asterisking) is literally just a ledger

you know, like bookies have? it says 'here is where something is'
it says "this person won a bet, this person lost a bet, here is where the money went." It's an extremely costly way of doing what a single database could do.

What's happening is, some absolute total suckers, just the biggest rubes of all time, were tricked into betting on it.
all that's happening is, you are taking real cash, and you are putting real cash into a mystery box, and in doing so, you are betting that someone else is dumber than you and will put more money in than you did, so you can sell and 'cash out.'
the people profiting on you are the people who tricked you--because, again, if you're into this, you're a motherfuckin dummy, no two ways about it--into giving them your money.

it's literally the financial industry without any regulations. get ready to lose big.
anyways, if you're into NFTs, genuinely go fuck yourself, you're hurting the planet because you're either too stupid or too evil to care
I want you to read up on any single business plan that says they're using the bl*ckchain.

I want you to see if you can parse how it is that technology works.

Here's what you'll find: it actually doesn't. There is no genuinely good reason to do it.
Because it functions on peer to peer computer use, it means a shitload of computers (and electrical power) need to be used to keep things up; if it becomes unpopular (or, more likely, regulated), the market shrinks hugely, like when a video game goes offline b/c servers down
they'll be like "oh we use the chain to open up new opportunities to blah blah blah" and literally none of the language actually tells you what it does; it is designed to take you, the sucker, and make you FEEL that something big is happening when there is nothing, actually.
literally no chain business model I've seen actually makes a good case for why this is necessary without it being a scam. The best use case we've seen are NFTs, and in order to explain it they have to make it clear what the scam actually is:
and the scam is this: someone takes a jpg, a tweet, whatever, and says "I own this now and I printed out a certificate of authenticity at home."

imagine me doing that, here you go as an example:

can I walk into the louvre with this? no.
there is no actual ownership with an NFT; at best, you own the actual certificate of authenticity--and the certificate is saying u own the certificate, not the actual item

this relies on you having the sub-100 IQ to believe that owning the certificate relates to the thing
so, you, a goddamn moron who has just purchased an NFT, literally own nothing of value, and all the bl*ckchain does is support that the certificate was created, the certificate has been transfered, and how much money was paid for it.
for the NFT to have value, two things have to happen:

1) the people running the computers that host the NFT can't ever take the money and run (they will)

2) more and more suckers (like you, the NFT buying peabrain) have to buy in to keep driving the price up, which means...
pyramid scheme, baybee
NFTs rely on suckers convincing other suckers to spend money on NFTs (including lying about better algorithms coming to save electricity or acting as if buying a certificate of authenticity is the same as having a literal jackson pollock, touched by the artist, in your house)
what's going to happen is that lots of rubes (like you, if you own an NFT), are going to spend lots of money (like how you, as a burgeoning artist wanting to start on the market has to spend money to put your artist up for sale), and that money goes to the owners.
like in a pyramid scheme, the owners--such as beeple-- share success stories and try to make it appear as if they are making tons of money AND SO CAN YOU but the reality is: you're giving them a ton of your money so they can make money on you and you don't make back the entry fee
there is no way to participate in anything bl*ckchain without being an exploiter or an exploitee. you cannot be a normal, good, healthy, well-adjusted, kind, moral, fair, honest, intelligent person and also partake in anything related to it.
"doc you are using hostile language here"

yeah well they're destroying the planet so I decided to leave the politeness for people who deserved it, not people who are actively trying to kill you, me, and everybody else.

why should they deserve anything other than violence?
i have so much kindness to give to so many people but I will gladly do a little hostility to people who are trying to sucker others in to do them harm while also trying to burn the fucking planet down. why would they deserve to be treated kindly? we need to make them fuckin stop.
if you're into nfts then no human alive has any reason to treat you with less hostility than jeffrey dahmer
(except that dahmer's body count is gonna be way less than what you're actively working towards)
like at some point you are going "you know, I'm actually really cool with taking action that will kill people so I get rich" and at that point you are just a murderer booking the demise of the planet in advance and I don't see a reason to be polite to you.
but look, my hope is the shocking and harsh language of this thread helps you realize that you've either BEEN conned or you ARE evil and either way you need to fucking stop. That is the purpose of the anger and irritation bubbling up here.

Don't be a sucker.
Only response I wanna hear from you is "fuck, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, and I'll do better," to know you stopped engaging with NFTs, and to know that if you used them at all you worked out what your carbon offset would be and then fucking doubled that.
if you liked this thread and want to give me the price of takeout, I released a game a few days ago that has hundreds of reviews and a 96% positive on Steam. It MIGHT make you cry.

If we sell enough then I will make a JRPG or Yakuza-like
when I wrote this thread I didn't explain how it's ruining the planet so let me make this very simple because I have had a really bad week and im going to stress explain this.

basically a guy came up with a way to do money outside of the money system with a limited number of tokens

the super short version is that LOTS of computers have to work in agreement to 'decentralize' how these tokens work since they're JUST digital

which is a LOT of power
so basically if you and me and everyone around us participates in the network, it can never be taken down by the government or a local storm or something; it's how bittorrent works, basically 'democratizing' data transfer
but how do you convince poeple to participate? well, you give them the tokens for lending you their computing power.

okay, but if the number of tokens has a FIXED capacity, how do you make sure people don't mine them all immediately?

make it inefficient. slow it down.
what my old shitty GPU could do in 2011 (before I understood what this cost) is something it takes a literal farm to do in iran now.

apparently china started moving their factories to iran because the chinese government didn't like how much power it was using
so the amount of energy production it takes is something countries with massive power output can't even handle and don't want to handle.

it wastes electricity as an incentive to get people to participate which wastes more electricity so a libertarian can have free money
so like, let me be clear, you're killing the planet by partaking in this

and if you say "oh well THE ALGORITHM will get BETTER" you don't understand how fucking math works
there will NEVER be a SMARTER ALGORITHM (which is not magic, it's just a program for calculating inane bullshit) that SOMEHOW STOPS LOTS OF COMPUTERS FROM BEING TURNED ON

the way this coin shit works is that it HAS to have LOTS OF COMPUTERS WASTING ENERGY or it fails.
you're a sucker for buying in and you're the dumbest motherfucker on the planet who probably shits yourself every day because you're too stupid to use a toilet if you think "the algorithm" will fix this.

bitch algorithms aren't fucking magic anymore than bl*ckchain is
an algorithm is just a specific set of math designed to be good at solving one problem. we might make an algorithm to help us find the color "orange" in a series of pictures.

It's not wizardy, anyone using it as a buzzword thinks you're a chump and if you believe them you are.
the bl*ckchain is just a bunch of computers working together to do something ONE server cluster could do because some asshole on the internet hates paying his taxes to the government and wants money the government doesn't track or control
and literally the government has just been like "well shit, there's money to be made here so of course we're going to treat it like the stock market and tax the fuck out of it" so good luck having your libertarian wet dream you rotten egg brains
there is no good that comes from anything related to this and if you participate you are either too stupid to care or too evil to care, so if you want to be smart and good, ask your government to make the bl*ckchain illegal, thanks.
the number of smug shit-brained idiots who smugly reply without any information or facts saying "there is informatoin or facts out there that prove you wrong" are not informed, they're as smart as someone who tells you to invest in lotto tickets. They're all suckers.
listen i may be a shit-for-brains himbo but at least my intellect is greater than every single pro-NFT person combined
if some of you want to go "oh he got something TECHNICALLY wrong," understand that you have failed to assail the thread

if you go "oh he got something genuinely factually wrong that dismantles the argument" don't be a smug dick; I'm only interested in saving the planet, fucko
(this thread is immensely hilarious to me to read because of how foul-mouthed it is, but I fully expect some people are like "who this motherfucker")
also if you wanna support my actual writing, I write about video games on medium at  and I appreciate your tips; they go towards food and medical bills.  or 
for those of you suggesting that famous, rich people investing in these know something you don't, I want to point out to you something I said at the start:

"either you are actively, consciously scamming someone, or you are being scammed"
I can guarantee you that most of these people have accountants smarter than them encouraging them to do this because they can make money tricking suckers like you into it.
everyone telling me "haha you just don't get it there's no way it's a scam" is either a sucker or a thief, pick one
a few people have replied with takes like 'okay well how WOULD you fix NFTs' and that's like asking how I'd fix asbestos: I wouldn't. The entire pyramid scheme is literally about people claiming to own a certificate that says they own a png file even if they don't
there were guys going around trying to create NFTs for other people's tweets because they are trying to scam you into thinking that they have some legal ownership over your tweets. It's like me walking into your house and planting a flag and saying "i own this"

you fuckin dont
we've seen people go "someone hacked my account and i lost it all and the government won't help me get it back" yeah because none of this shit is legal and the problem it purports to solve DOES NOT EXIST. they are using big words and hoping to trick people with tiny brains.
but, and this is more important: nobody fucking owes you, the cr*pto fuckers, anything. You created a problem that doesn't exist, you created a shitty solution to the problem that doesn't exist, and when people say you're dumb you go "actually im smart and you should fix my mess"
there is no world where cr*pto and bl*ckchain actually solve an existing problem that needs to be solved. It is people pretending there's a problem so you put money into it and they take the money out and you are left with nothing because they are counting on you to be an idiot.
no one owes it to you to "pitch in" and make this technology meaningful

technology is created to SOLVE PROBLEMS, you don't create technology first and go 'what is the use case? we haven't the foggiest!'

that's how SCAMS work you dumb FUCK
for those protesting "do your own research," two things:

I did my own research, which is what led me to write this thread. I am someone who does research and explains complex topics simply _for money_ and have been for a decade.

I know how to do this.

You do not.
Someone who says "do your own research" is someone who is too lazy and stupid to disprove the claims on display, and usually just got their facts because some con man deluded them with big words and they haven't got the brainpower to regurgitate them.
All this shit is a waste, a planet-destroying waste, so a bunch of people who have way more money than you can trick you into giving them your money on an unregulated equivalent of a stock market while talking fast and throwing jargon at you to confuse you into dumb acceptance
you should be doing everything in your power to convince your government that any and all bl*ckchain/cr*pto/nft tech must be illegal
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