One of the most common arguments against adult entertainment is that the industry objectifies women. They argue that when women are viewed only for their ability to sexually arouse men, it is harmful to women everywhere. However, the objectification argument contains major flaws.
The concept of objectification doesn’t make sense. The idea that men view women in the industry simply as tools to satisfy their lusts, and that these men do not view these women as any more human than a useful appliance contradicts everything we know about human sexuality.
Sex is the most intimate human interaction. The adult entertainment industry, exist as wish fulfillment or as an aid to sexual fulfillment, a basic human need. It is the ability of the audience to think theyre connected to the entertainers that makes the wish fulfillment possible
It does not dehumanize women. It allows them to feel emotionally connected in ways they normally could not. Sex is emotional and men want more human connection not less. The audience does not objectify adult entertainers. The audience identifies with them.
Critics will argue that to the extent men identify with adult entertainers it is only sexually. They do not care more deeply about the actresses and entertainers. This may be true, but is also beside the point. This argument implies that sexual desire is bad.
It ignores most human interaction. When you go into a restaurant do you care where the server went to school? Does it matter to you what his/her ambitions are? Do you care if he/she enjoys their job? If objectification is real, than surely few are as objectified as a waiter(ess).
Adult film stars, strippers and camgirls of the industry have chosen to earn money in a certain way. They are consensually participating in a billion-dollar industry. The idea that these women must be protected from themselves sounds like it belongs in 1916 not 2020.
Workers in every industry may on occasion be exploited. This evil should be stopped. But, why do moralists only believe that the women in adult industry must be protected? Why is their solution to stop everyone from being involved in the industry?
Today, there are more women directors, producers, and owners in the adult entertainment industry than ever before. There numbers exceed the participation of women in leadership roles in Hollywood.
People who argue that porn objectifies women are saying that women aren't strong enough or smart enough to decide for their own interests. We cannot be trusted to make their own decisions. They are patronizing all the women who choose to work in the industry & who love their jobs
Once again these critics are not demanding that pizza delivery end because pizza buyers do not care about the complete person, they only care about getting their pizza. Taken at face value, it is clear objectification is about fear of sexual desire and not about protecting anyone
One of the darkest arguments is that objectification of women encourages rape and violence. But, the scientific evidence is not only completely absent for these claims; the growing scientific consensus is that porn has no relationship to rape or other forms of violence.
The evidence also suggests that used responsibly, adult entertainment can enhance relationships and improve the sexual pleasure and desires of both male and female partners.
The real issue w/ the objectification argument & rape/violence is that it seeks to put the blame for rape not on the people that commit these heinous acts, but instead blame women. The natural conclusion to their arguments is that the women of the industry cause men to rape women
This is slut-shaming and victim-baiting. If women would just stop taking of their clothes other women wouldn’t get raped, their argument suggests. Not only is there no evidence to support this theory, but this patronizing attitude is actually supportive of rape culture.
It takes responsibility out of the hands of the perpetrators and puts it on the bare shoulders of dancers, adult film stars, and sex workers.
Objectification is a myth. It is lacks scientific proof. Objectification only exists to give moralists cover to attack the thing they fear more than anything else in the world: human sexuality, or more specifically female sexuality.
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