My name is Liya, and in the 24th of February I've lost my job. Right now I'm looking for a new one, but I'm afraid on the new place I won't be able to draw anymore. Drawing's my passion. My dream is to write a futuristic fantasy novel based on russian fairytales.
My problem is I have to pay for rent, and provide food for myself and my cat. The sad truth is I can't do both: my office job takes all my strength and free time I could have spend on creating concepts and writing of the story. It's one thing or another right now.
So this is probably my last chance to do what I've been always dreamed of, and if you like my art and want to help me on this quest, here's a few options to do that:
1. Patreon

For now it's the most effective solution. Regular donations will help me to concentrate on my project without worrying about the bills. There's only one tier (1$) and it contains all my works in HD. http://patreon.com/Infernal_Liya 
3. Commissions

Commissions work too! I draw OCs, fan characters and fanart on regular basis!
4. Sharing this thread

The more people see it the better, and it's absolutely free! 😃
So here we go, 4 effective ways to help me on the way to my dream, and each of them is super appreciated! The future doesn't look so bright right now, but, as we say in Russia, the hope dies last!
Thanks for taking time to read this. Have a lovely day and see you later~ 💕
You can follow @InfernalLiya.
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