I wish *you* personally understood that we are on the brink of civilizational destruction, and that *you* have to choose a side: collapse, or transformation. There are no more bystanders, just those trying to save lives, and those complicit with mass death.
*Your* actions today determine life & death tomorrow and far into the future. People keep asking me "When will it be too late to act on climate change?" and I wonder "Are you asking me when you will have permission to give up & stop caring?"
It's already too late for so many.
The dead of the storms in Puerto Rico, Barbados, Mozambique, the Philippines, Bangladesh etc etc are not coming back. The species already extinct, the ecosystems already destroyed are not coming back. But there is still so much to save. There will always be life to save.
Journalists keep asking me: "When is the last year we can act and still stay below 1.5 or 2 degrees?" That question alone insures we'll go past them. We act NOW, with all urgency (not just declaring urgency), or we fail.
Either we push our governments and economies RIGHT NOW to
* stop investing in all fossil fuel industries, directly and indirectly;
* mass retrofit all buildings;
* invest in public transit & bikeable infrastructure, away from cars;
* move to plant-based diets;
* and yes, also invest in renewable energy -
OR we are enabling fossil fuel companies to run our governments and economies for even more decades, while agribusiness industries commit vast ecocides, destroying life chances for humans and biodiversity alike.
It is possible, still, to build a better world, without poverty, or hunger, or violent destruction, but if you think that world can be built without *your* active efforts, you're on the side of destruction, cataclysm and death. Don't be complicit in this largest crime of all.
None of this is easy. Everyone is human. We have to figure this out together. Please join this vast struggle for survival. Please.

A couple of places to get started below ...
Just a note to say that by "pushing" governments, I don't mean lobbying them. I mean forcing them to shift. Another thread on why "appealing to governments" is a losing strategy. https://twitter.com/JKSteinberger/status/1365935842498383872
Hi all, Patrick Belmont, aka @river_monger , has a great @TEDTalks up on realising we have "passive climate denial" and realising we all must act. Must watch.
You can follow @JKSteinberger.
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