You optimize Facebook ads by fixing key metrics on your store, not by trying to improve IRRELEVANT numbers in BM

And you need to do that BEFORE scaling hard each time, or traffic will optimize for customers converting at low metrics

Here’s how to fix your stats [THREAD]
DTC ad agency dorks want you to post 1M/mo budgets right away bc they get paid % of spending…

‘Don’t leave money on the table’

Guess what, running a barely profitable brand bc you can’t fix funnels is extreme waste
What is better 300k profit on 500k month or 300k profit on 3M month

That’s the difference optimizing funnels for DR makes

My consulting clients get at least 10% higher revenue when their funnel is fixed

that’s BEFORE any adjustments to ads and emails
Running one 2 product store with basic Shopify checkout like most brands and hoping your product will sell itself ain’t gonna work anymore chief

Buy 2 Get 1, big product bundles or if you can’t squeeze it within profit margins
buy 2 get X free (X being a product that costs you $2-3 buy perceived value on your store is $20-30)

Also Lifetime warranty upsell as shipping option AND many post purchase upsells
CONV rate

What do you need a cart page for? Push people straight to checkout and your rates with skyrocket, leave up sells for post-purchase

Product in one variant? You need at least few different colors, preferably sizes/specs too
People like having choice. Good to have 3 diff price levels too, statistically most people will choose middle range even if they don’t need additional features

Page speed is huge factor too but for that you need a developer

Also, your ATC button color MATTERS
Emails and upsells

Product page that you’re sending traffic to cannot be too strong or the fb will ban you
Emails and post purchase pages are your playground
You can even make people feel bad about themselves and target insecurities to sell
You can follow @_maximilion.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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