Sekiranya ada yang belum bayar fidyah, atau ingin bersedekah di bulan sya'aban dan ramadhan ni, boleh lah melalui saluran ini.
More details:

Kutipan as of 12pm 27Mar : 2350/31200
Tabung hingga 12pm 28 Mar : RM8443/RM31200

MasyaAllah, jazakallah for your generousity in donating and spreading the word 💜
Tabung hingga 8am Apr 8:

We have transferred 9k to the NGO Persatuan Kebajikan Kasih Asnaf Global (PKKAG) who will be doing the distribution. They have bought 693+12 packets of rice.
Distributions will start on Monday 12th April.
Alhamdulillah, the NGO PKKAG has started distributing bags of rice bought using the funds you have donated 💜
Latest numbers: RM20342/31200
We will continue to receive funds until we can reach 2400 bags, insyaAllah.
Please continue to share 💜
As of 12pm 23rd April,
Alhamdulillah, generous folks have donated RM21877 out of the RM31200 that we needed. Distribution continues as and when we have funds.
We will remain open for sadaqah/fidyah/zakat until we can aid 2400 families.
Alhamdulillah, as of 12pm 27th April, donations are at RM27187! We just need RM4k+ more to be able to provide rice for all the 2400 families.
Latest distribution is to poor students in Tanah Merah, Kelantan :
As of 8am 28 April - RM28702/31200
Less than RM4k away to 2400 bags of rice for asnaf.

Alhamdulillah we have been getting a lot of fidyah on behalf of parents who have passed away, and also zakat.
Urgh my apologies... my math brain is a little wonky today.
We need only around 2500 more to reach our goal of providing 2400 identified asnaf families with one 13kg bag of rice each..

Please pray for the rizq of these families.
You guys have donated RM31972 in sadaqah, zakat and fidyah 💜
The extra monies will go to extra rice bags for extra families.

Thankyou for your contributions, be it in funds or effort.
May Allah reward you multifold 🥰
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