Erika Vs Beato - The Duel of Validation

When Erika cried, Why were her tears precious and real?

#07threads #Beatrice07 #Erika07 #Dawn07
It is safe to consider Erika as an insert of Ange, or more particularly an insert for anyone who looks for the truth with self-destructive tendencies, probably due to others harassing her with their own truth.
We initially view Erika as a heartless person, but moving on we learn that she is in so much pain, always has been from the moment she appeared on screen, but without love for her it cannot be seen.
Erika cried two times for real, the first one when she was protected for the first time in her life, the thing she was unconsciously seeking because she is alone in her conquest for the truth, just like Ange.
She wants her own truth protected, because she needs her life to have meaning, just like Ange and Yasu, it's not enough to just defeat erika, but we have to treat her heart with care just like everyone else in umineko.
The second time that hit me so hard was in the duel against beato, it wasn’t a cry of help, but of honor at being able to stand face to face with someone equal in this beautiful game of mind, my same exact feelings during every moment of my experience in umineko.
At this moment in time, Erika finally felt validated as a human, that her painful life become meaningful, and led her to view this masterful double check, to the point she uncontrollably dropped tears, and gave Beatrice her gratitude.
Coincidentally, it was an important duel for Beato for the same reasons, she was looking for validation regarding her other self (kanon), and this is why the duel revolved around making kanon escape with magic, all in order to protect her truth and make it exist.
This can also make us appreciate battler’s game more, which led Erika to view something she once hated (Multiple Truths) from a more unique and interesting approach, how its thematically contain the answer for all of Umineko's mysteries, once you see it you cant unsee the love.
It was able to prove, in the most effective way that Beatrice and battler really had fun talking about riddles, and didn't actually enjoy seeing people being killed, one more step to understand Beato’s world and its rules and show them to Ange and the Reader.
Battler Ushiromiya was able to save everyone from their own pain, even his opponents, he worked so hard not just for a better conclusion, but to even justify years of sadness and solitude and give them meaning, i can't help but feel honored to meet someone like him in my life.
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