hot take: we don’t live in times where women aren’t allowed to be educated and were bought as property by their husbands. we put limits on the power of God in women when we still tell them they can’t have certain roles in the church that they are called and gifted to serve in 😌
hot take 2: why on earth would NT writers say women could preach or be elders when they werent in ANY capacity respected or allowed to be educated in the society they lived in? God’s view of women has never changed. He has always valued and loved His creation. society has not.
the church was trying to establish itself at the time, so of course they wouldn’t choose people who didn’t have any rights or education to help lead it

last thing to ponder: did God ever once say a woman being in xyz position was SIN?? nope. did God use women powerfully, defying society’s view of them? yep. read Esther. read about Deborah. Phoebe. read about the character of God
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