The amount of people in the quotes saying ADHD is not real or an excuse to dope up children.

It is 2021. Please stop listening to Joe Rogan.
You’re not gonna be able to pray away cognitive disorders or choose to not believe them.

A loved one could be silently suffering without the access to get help & the support. It will benefit the entire community to advocate for everybody in it.
Here in this thread, I have time again to talk about the 3 types of ADHD. And how emotional regulation and rejection sensitivity are one of many defining components you could probably recognize in an ADHD person
Predominantly Hyperactive Type:

This type is probably what you think of when you think of ADHD.

• Impulsivity (like impulsive spending, impulsive decisions)
• Fidgeting
• Talking over others/talking too much
• Blurting out things
• Struggling to stay seated (as children)
Those with a the hyperactive type struggle to feel stimulated and can get “bored” very easily, they can struggle with sleeping because their mind’s race, they struggle with completing tasks—even if it’s urgent.
Hyperactive ADHD is what you see diagnosed a lot in young white boys, because a lot of educators don’t note down anything until it becomes a “distraction” to the class.

This ADHD may be “over diagnosed” in boys, but ADHD is under diagnosed in (black) children, girls and adults.
Predominantly Inattentive (ADD)

This is the type of ADHD that is missed a lot in girls because it’s not distractive and the pressure to “fit in” is more intuitive

• Lack of focus
• Dazing out in conversation
• Disorganization
• Losing/misplacing things
• Poor memory
Inattentive ADHD is a diagnosis that is presented in a lot of adults & those of marginalized genders.

It’s not just zoning out. It’s the inability to remember things, finish tasks, or even keeping up with loved ones. Returning phones calls and messages is non-existent.
Those with this type will miss deadlines constantly, projects will pile up easily and cause them to be overwhelmed even if it’s urgent. Poor performance in school and work (and even home life) is due to this.

ADHD people have higher divorce rates than their neurotypical peers.
People with inattentive type are more than likely to drop-out and spontaneously quit their jobs because the burdens have reached their peak.

The last type of ADHD is Combination Type. Which is basically the merge of the other two different types!
Combination Type ADH:

Those that struggle with a combination of symptoms with inattentive & hyperactive. Such as:

• Difficultly switching over tasks
• Difficultly starting new tasks
• Anything that involves a lot of mental thought is a stressor
What people don’t talk about regarding ADHD is that’s not just the disorganization of your entire life, it’s also the disorganization of your emotional state.

Emotional regulation is difficult with those with ADHD.

This leads to outbursts and how most of us also have anxiety.
Something minuscule like a change of sudden plans or an inconvenience (like missing your bus stop) can be very mentally difficult for those who have ADHD. They’re not overreacting. It’s a result of trying to do things right all the time and feeling like you don’t succeed.
This leads me to my final point of this thread: Rejection Sensitivity.

People with ADHD are more sensitive to anything they perceive as criticism, being disregarded or rejected. This is also due to the stats that those with ADHD are often excluded from their peers ⤵️
We perceive the rejection before it happens, because it happened before. This leads to not opening up to new friends, romantic partners, or starting new projects because they may feel like they’re not good enough.

A lot of us also become people pleasers due to this sensitivity.
The mental impacts ADHD is due to the disorder itself, but also due to the societal challenges of having ADHD. Lack of accommodation, support and understanding creates a breeding ground for depression. And why many people may get diagnosed with anxiety or depression before ADHD.
ADHD has many crossovers with other mood & cognitive disorders. So many, that it is often dually diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

The symptoms can cross into many coexisting conditions that a person with ADHD has. Such as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, etc.
It’s important to learn more about your brain and how you personally work best for your own success. It’s not a weakness to think differently. If you resonate with anything I have said, I’d urge you to seek out a community with others who are similar to you for support/resources.
If you think you need medication (alongside ADHD coaching/therapy), that’s nothing to be shameful of. With the right psychiatrist, right medication & dosage the stereotype of being a zombie or numb is in-factual and does more harm onto others seeking help. Do what works for you.
A detailed video on possible benefits of stimulants:
My last add to this thread:

This little video I love about rejection sensitivity.
You can follow @ehimeora.
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