

I couldn't sleep, opened twitter, saw @BlahaFrancisco shitting on new Netflix doc #Seaspiracy, so popped it on

4:17 minutes in I had to stop and tweet how ridiculous and made up the science in this film is

He's already told us that if we don't save the whales -- by solving plastic pollution -- we will lose the oxygen we breathe

This should sound familiar to everyone in shark world

Two minute exposition on how straw bans will save whales and turtles

He discovers Japan is still whaling (this wasn't secret info) and decides to expose it

At 12 minutes he pledges never to go to Sea World again

The film opened less than 10 minutes ago with video of him at Sea World saying this is where he learned to care about the ocean

Sea Shepherd rep says Japan doesn't eat dolphins from Taiji, only kills them because they compete with fishermen for fish

Claims Japanese believe dolphins are cause of global overfishing

This is huge, if true

Exposition on tuna fishing

Doubles down on Japanese claim dolphins are cause of tuna overfishing

Introduces shark fishing, says whole landed sharks are "finned"

The shark bit is different except for a few misuses of fishing vs finning - but focuses on how many sharks die (which is the right way to do that)

Cameos by @PauldeGelder, @ProfCallum and Gary Stokes

Bycatch exposition

After criticism of cutting shark fins off, he shows video of sharks being returned whole to the ocean -- and criticizes it

@PauldeGelder says we shouldn't eat fish


Sea Shepherd love letter

Says Sea Shepherd has sunk 13 boats

Isn't that illegal???!?!

Criticism of dolphin safe tuna and Earth Island Institute

Hard turn to plastic -- fishing gear is the cause of most plastic pollution

Exposition on discarded fishing gear

This is good stuff -- claims he never heard about it

Questions why the focus on drinking straws?!!?

Compares banning drinking straws to save the ocean to banning toothpicks to save the rainforest

That's a zinger

I approve

Jesus he completely embarrasses the Plastic Pollution Coalition

Ties them to Earth Island Institute -- accuses them of being tied to fishing industry

@ProfCallum bringing the thunder now!!

It's not plastic that is the threat -- IT'S FISHING!!


Alright, 35 minutes in

This has turned into "everything I thought I knew about ocean conservation was wrong and now I will uncover what is really going on"

Took a while to get there

Let's see where he goes


Pivot to coral reefs

Questions why we only talk about climate threats to reefs and not fishing

Sylvia Earle interview

He calls commercial fishing "wildlife poaching on a mass scale"

Fisheries people will love this

Exposition on how ocean life sequesters carbon

Exposition on trawling is bad

Criticism of these NGOs for not bringing attention to the harmful activities of fisheries

Mention of 30x30

Says 5% of ocean is protected, but 90% allow fishing

Gives example of UK MPA that only restricts kayaking, but allows industrial fishing

Series of interviews arguing sustainable fishing does not exist

Alright, diversity and inclusion update

@BlahaFrancisco is right

So far the Asians are villians, the browns are victims, and all the people who get speaking roles are white


He shits on @oceana for promoting sustainable seafood

I think his interview with their representative was disingenuous

He tries to go to @MSCecolabel but they won't talk to him

He accuses them of corruption

Aand hard turn from MSC to observer murders

That was quick

Whoa, hard turn to fisheries subsidies!!

They interview a minority!


He did a good job of painting the picture of how fisheries gets ignored as a threat to the ocean, but then he goes out on a boat and after maybe a day at sea proclaims he can see no way how we can ever manage fisheries

That's some colonizer shit right there


Something about foreign vessels making it harder for locals to catch fish, leading to Bush meat consumption, leading to Ebola

Aquaculture is also bad

Video of salmon lice

Graphic of salmon poop

Scottish accents telling us not to eat farmed salmon

Pivot to mangroves

Shrimp aquaculture destroys mangroves

Slave labor


Pivot to human trafficking

There have been at least 10 mentions of how dangerous filming these locations peppered throughout the film

In Thailand we find out why: he hasn't applied for any permits and is violating several laws

He films the whale slaughter in the Faroe islands and it is horrible

He questions whether we should be setting sustainability as our goal for the ocean

Interviews about whether fish feel pain

Someone suggests fish use "democratic decision making"

Fish are full of toxins

Montage of white people telling us to eat vegetables

Why did he only tell the stories of white people?!?!?!

This is why people think conservation has a white supremacy problem

Solutions montage

1. Don't eat fish

2. Enforce no take protected areas

You know, I think if this guy had interviewed a few minorities he might have gotten a better nuance

I'm tired of these white savior fantasy narratives

Took a short nap

Issues he glossed over:

-We should have some fisheries!
-It's wealthy people who should be making the sacrifice to eat less fish
-Many people have no option to eat something else


-the global conservation burden is carried by rural, indigenous, and the global south, whereas MPAs in the global north are tiny to non-existent
-he could have provided a bump to 30x30 efforts -- we can simultaneously work to improve fisheries AND habitat

The film highlights in great detail the many problems with fisheries, but fisheries are not going away -- for economic cultural and social reasons

But he also points out that 90% of MPAs are hot garbage

Truth is, both fisheries and MPAs need to be improved

My final thought

The guy who made this movie is an asshole for the way he depicted NGO staff -- he comes off as a self righteous ocean Borat playing games with the lives of underpaid, underappreciated people who just want to world to be a better place

Fuck you

It looks like one of the lone people of color interviewed in the film didn't even know she was in the film

That is unethical, and in no way a surprise

@netflix, you cool with that??

43/ Final Final Word

To those who say, "But the world needs a @netflix movie about the ocean!"

In that case, I recommend Mission Blue w @SylviaEarle

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