Why I'm Not Listening To Your China "Opinion" (a Thread)

With a few exceptions, I'm not interested in your view on China unless you're a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) or another communist party.
China's problems are intentionally caused by...
the white supremacist western imperialists, especially the USA, FKA Great Britain. The CPC are astonishingly astute experts on leading 1.6 billion people to survive that threat. It's an unbelievably difficult challenge in which they're winning.

So why is the US such a problem?
Well. The main reason the USA is a stage-4 cancer killing the whole world and openly trying to literally destroy China in particular is because the western left, especially white US "progressives" or "socialists", are on the whole the most useless ineffective group of people...
on earth. Most of them aren't even members of a revolutionary party in their own country, have zero plan to join or start one, and yet still think they are leftists of some kind. Can you imagine? Many of them actively support the US government, or even the current ruling US...
capitalist terrorist party through the DSA. In other words, they are actively counterrevolutionary and helping the imperialists. This means they are not just useless, they are extremely harmful to China. But it's even worse. In many cases their white supremacy and western...
chauvinism is so out of control, they lack the decency to keep quiet as every violent racist imperialist western government and media outlet launches the biggest anti-China anti-communist propaganda campaign since the red scare.
Instead of piping down, these "leftists" practice leftism by helping the CIA (the world's deadliest capitalist criminal organization) destroy the world by showing rightwingers that even "the left" won't support China, which is almost the last bulwark between the US and its...
planned total destruction of the global working class. In this way, the US "compatible left" (as the CIA calls them) are actively colluding with their own ruling class as it wages its war on the workers of the world.

So no, if you're a white westerner and not at least in a...
communist party or other revolutionary group, I am definitely not interested in your China opinion except to help you fix it (the opinion, not China. The Chinese are fixing China and THEY DON'T NEED MY ADVICE, LET ALONE YOURS.) Nobody else should be interested in...
your opinion either. You're offensive. I'm ashamed of you. You've insulted 91 million members of the CPC, the 95% of people in China who support their government in leading their struggle against the imperialist west, and the millions of comrades in solidarity with them...
around the world, including myself. You should be ashamed this needs to be said. Western "socialists" attacking China are akin to men who go to a group of female sexual assault survivors and say "But why aren't you talking about the women who assault men?"
They're akin to white people who go on Fox News to talk about George Floyd's criminal record and MLK's sex life. In other words, they're Tucker Carlson, but their bigotry isn't misogynist or anti-Black, it's just pro-West (as far as we know for sure, anyway). They are simply...
western chauvinists. They're my enemy and if you're working class, until they correct themselves, they're your enemy too wherever you are in the world.

HOWEVER, if you *are* that rarest of things--an American or western leftist who is actually doing at least...
the bare minimum by being a member of a revolutionary organization--then thank you for your comradeship. If that's the case, and if you want to discuss China's difficulties some time, I would be very interested, but unfortunately I live in a capitalist shithole that just...
announced sanctions on China which it is my responsibility to fix and which I abjectly failed to prevent, which is my whole job. So I,m busy with that just now and probably will be forever. And when I do want to discuss China's difficulties, it probably won't be with you. It...
will be to seek advice from communists in Vietnam, Angola, Cuba, Venezuela, South Africa, India, Iran, or China, where they have a clue about the struggle and have actually achieved even one thing in their fight against the terrorist Democratic Party, the party...
you probably voted for in 2016, or even 2020.
This is the struggle. It's solidarity with Korea and Cuba and Vietnam and China against the US, its two terrorist parties, and people who actually believe the New York Times when it says China is bad.
Obviously I'm not saying you have to show me a membership card before you can speak.

As if @GerryAdamsSF isn't qualified to speak on Ireland because he's never been a member of the IRA.

Don't be an idiot.
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