"it's ridiculous that this dude is making jokes about how he would be neglectful to his s/o" yeah "and it's so cringe that he like funko pops as a grown man" NO NO NO
Hi I was reminded of this thread again (bc of the swell entertainment rae dunn video) and something i should've brought up before is how OP specifically chose THESE FREEZE FRAMES.

you can make ANYONEs expressions look unnatural with the right freeze frames bc humans arent robots
I haven't seen the original TikTok so idk if this is the IRL equivalent of animation smear frames or if he actually holds these poses but even if he did? What's the mindset behind OP and the commenters mocking him for [checks] having weird facial expressions
"Haha look at this person who has a weird hobby and also can't do facial expressions Properly" GET OUT OF MY SIGHT
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