I wish there were two C++ standards: a backwards-compatible version (basically, what we have now), and a stricter forwards-compatible version that drops features (I propose we call this C--? or ++C?)
... imagine modules w/o include-directives, or ranges w/o legacy iterators.
... anyway, the idea would be that C-- drops features now, with an eye towards C++ eventually dropping those features. A carrot (more robust language now) and stick (get ready for deprecation warnings) approach.
... or maybe C++ is just eventually "frozen" (so everything just works, into the future), and then C-- "takes over" as the place where new syntax is developed, on a smaller kernel.
The first breaking-thing I'd add to C-- is explicit-dependency-injection for heap memory, ala ziglang, rather than allocators as compile-time types or implicit-globals. #programming
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