Thread on how I made $3k (2500%) in 3 days from growth hacking on #bitclout

cc: @BitCloutPulse @Bitclout_
1. Think 10X (Investing)

The larger the creator coin value, the less you can expect to gain from it:

Ex: Investing in @naval at $30k can yield 20% daily increase

Ex: Investing in @Navalmanack at $30 can yield 200% daily increase
2. Think 100x

Creating a new account with a good handle is the best ROI

- Invest $5 at $0 - 3 coins
- Invest $5 at $10 - 0.45 coins
- Invest $5 at $100 - 0.04 coins

When the coin reaches $250, they will have:

- 150000%
- 2250%
- 200%
3. Create coins with high-value handles

- Account creation has the best ROI
- People invest in high-value handles

Thus I own:

@dankmemes @Navalmanack @bape @minecraft @fortnite @SunTzu and many more ;)
4. The perceived value of money is in the eye of the people

To increase your coin value:
- Cross-Investing between high-value accounts you own
- Invest to either in high ROI potential coins or on coins that get your name out there (the former does as well)
- Quality content ;)
You can follow @WenSigil.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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