Riddle me this

If man is closer to the image of God than woman (can love more sacrificially for her than she can for him), and God loves man, why would love be for women to show, but not for men, when women are further from God than men in their capacity to love? https://twitter.com/REDA31/status/1373917662531747842
If a man cultivates a woman, but a woman does not a man, if a man is a woman's guardian, but she is not his, if he is her teacher, and she is not his, if he is protector and provider, but she is not his, how could he do any of that without loving her & expressing it? Why bother?
Men are far less practical than women. They marry poorer, weaker, dumber creatures that are less emotionally stable and more needy. Men marry down. Why would you marry down if you don't love who you're marrying? Why would you endure the burden of a woman if not for love?
Women will say "I don't want to be his mother" - meaning they don't want to love you like a mother would. How does a mother love her child? Sacrificially. So she doesn't want to be strong and responsible. She looks for strength. And what is strength to her? The idealised father.
So if she doesn't want to love you like a mother (unconditionally, tolerating weakness and being loyal no matter what) what does she want to love you like? Like a daughter. So she expects you to love her like a father would love her, but she doesn't want to love you like a mother
So she is literally saying in her own low minded way "I want you to love me like a parent, but I won't love you like one"

We all know the love of a parent is a beautiful thing, the closest thing to God's love - so she literally doesn't even love you at the level you love her.
Women sacrifice for their children, and they use men to achieve their ultimate end - having children. They don't love us like we love them, because they don't tolerate the incompetence and weakness in us that we do in them. They hold us to higher standards whilst performing lower
When women become obsessed with you and respect you a lot, they want to go out of their way to please you, this is the highest form of love they are capable of - being servile. But they are only like this when you meet a high standard. It's utterly conditional and ungodly.
Men on the flipside don't even need to respect a woman to love her. They don't need to admire her or look up to her to love her. She doesn't need to be better than him. He chooses to take care of something weaker than him, why? Because he finds her sweet childishness charming.
If we observe words and appearances, women appear to be the romantic ones.

But if we observe actions and sacrifices, men appear to be the romantic ones.

And what do we say about actions and words? That actions speak louder - meaning they are worth more and so closer to truth.
Men aren't as warm and fluffy as women because they aren't as childish and emotional.

When a woman falls, her man picks her up. When a man falls, she tries to be understanding and patient and wait for him to sort his shit out, but if he fails, she leaves.

Men love more deeply.
Imagine sacrificing your entire life to look after someone you don't really need who annoys you because they're so emotional and neurotic and costs you tons of money.

Like logically, why the fuck would you bother with that shit? It's obvious why she'd want it, but why would you?
Because men are the romantic ones.

How could you sign up for something so impractical that is such a bother for you, without love being an integral component to it?

It's not possible. Even if you say "well I want kids and sex" - yes, sure you do, but look at the price paid.
On a logical basis it's the worst deal in existence. Put up with these dependants who irritate you for decades so you can reproduce and orgasm regularly.

You have to be a bit insane to accept that deal. And that's where man's godliness shines most - in his sacrificial love.
Women would never take this deal. That's why their love isn't as great as man's. Women's love is far more self-interested and less sacrificial, which is also why women are more eager to marry, and men's commitment is valued more - they have more to gain because men give more.
The weaker you are, the lesser your capacity for sacrificial love.

The weak cannot sacrifice, because doing so will destroy them.

The weaker you are, the more needy you are, the needier you are, the more selfish.

God is the most sacrificial because he is the strongest of all.
But women are not as emotionally stable as men on average, which undermines their competence. They are more fragile. They are more easily offended. They are more averse to the truth. They, on average, do not work as hard. They're less given to suffering and more drawn to comfort.
Work in itself has a masochistic component in that it's generally a form of endured suffering/discomfort for material gain. Women try to minimise work, maximise job comfort when they do work, & otherwise maximise leisure. They work because they have to, when they don't they stop.
Women are more suffering avoidant, which is also why they are more delusional, because the truth is a burden and thus best sought out by those strong enough to endure it. You cannot prioritise happiness and be a truth seeker. And what do most women seek? Happiness, not truth.
Can you see how all the patterns interrelate?

Weaker means more selfish and less aligned with reality - both as methods of self-preservation.

The stronger you become, the more sacrificial and realistic you can be.

God symbolises perfect truth and sacrifice through omnipotence.
Remember, the pragmatism of women's love is not rooted in realism, but in selfishness. It's why they often have ridiculous requirement lists for men. It's based in selfish desire and entitlement, not in a realistic appraisal of what she offers and what is a fair exchange for that
The average woman, if she was realistic, would realise she isn't worth much and therefore cannot ask for much. And what woman wants to hear "you'd be lucky to have a loyal man willing to work his whole life to look after you" rather than "yeah you deserve a ripped 6'3 135 IQ CEO"
I mean let's be soberly cold about this. The value of a man's labour and commitment never decreases. The value of a woman's sexuality is depreciating year on year.

And you're not allowed to have sex with any other (younger) women. And you have to keep taking care of her.
Do you see just how impractical men are? How romantic you have to be to be that committed and sacrificial, whilst suppressing the "spread your seed instinct"?

Impossible without love.

And women expect all of that as a given. It isn't even glamorous to them. It's just "normal".
So they value men's commitment out of practicality to the point they make the acquisition of it an objective, but don't overly appreciate it because they feel entitled to it.

This is why "providing for her" doesn't excite her like being 6'3 does, even though it's a bigger deal.
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