You can't beat this level of cynicism:
B'tselem's director says he's against manipulations and for respecting all people equally.

Here's a quick recap of the manipulations and systematic bias I exposed in a recent pamphlet by his organization.
Judge for yourself >>
1. No, Israel is not "corralling" Palestinians out of Area C and East Jerusalem. On the contrary:
2. No, Israel is not pushing its Arab citizens into "small, crowded enclaves". On the contrary:
3. No, Israel is not preventing Palestinians born in the West Bank and Gaza who moved abroad (and their children) from moving back. On the contrary:
4. No, there's no growing "institutionalized" segragation in Israel. On the contrary:
5. Finally, a little bonus: erasing from the story all violence by Palestinians against Israelis is not "respecting all human beings equally". On the contrary.
Know anyone who still thinks B'tselem is a credible source on Israel and its policies? send them this thread.
If they hate being duped by disinformation, they'll thank you.
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