Continuing my rewatch for @TheFangirlBiz purposes. Boy oh FREAKING BOY does Atomic Monsters hit different now. Chuck and Becky negotiating who has ownership of the story and disagreeing strongly what the fans want while Sam and Dean are on a cheesy, low stakes vamp hunt? OKAY.
Don't get me started on Dean talking to a man in a beaver costume while eating a hot dog. If I start screaming, I'll never stop.
Also adding that the dad who did the kidnapping wore a mask to do it (which is talked about), and I have apparently been conditioned to flinch when the word "mask" and "vampire" are used in the same episode.
Becky: No. You can't.
Chuck: I did.
B: This is just an ending.
C: Yeah. I dont know how I'm gonna get there, but I know where I'm goin.
B: But it's so.. dark.
C: But great right? I can see it now: "Supernatural: The End." And the cover is just a gravestone that says "Winchester."
C: The fans are gonna love it. Well?
B: It's AWFUL! Horrible! It's hopeless! You can't do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam?
C: There, see? It's making you feel something! That's good, right?
B: NO.
S15 poster: "As it is written, so shall it end."

Well it was written in this ep, and that's certainly how it ended.

Please allow me to spend some time screaming into a pillow.
15x05: Proverbs 17x3.

Andy (werewolf who should be the Sam bc he’s younger but seems more like Dean to me? Hm):

“I don’t like who we are now, Josh.
This isn’t who we are!”

This rewatch may do me in, y’all.

I’m gonna have to count the “that’s not who I/we are!” references.
Directly after this, Josh (older wolf) goes to kill "Ashley" and... picks up an ax.

A werewolf with an ax.

Vampires with masks.

Okay. Alright. There is no way both of these stories weren't written by Chuck. No way.
In today's edition of "things that put Chrisha in her feels," in Golden Time, Cas is talking about how his "friend" told him about the meditative qualities of fishing (implying Dean & Cas have off screen convos not just about activities, but how those activities make them FEEL) +
But while he's saying this to the shop keeper (Andy), he notices Andy is putting booze in his cup, and Cas immediately gets a sympathetic look on his face and asks Andy if he's okay. Because Cas has learned from Dean that DRINKING MEANS YOU'RE NOT OKAY.
The infamous DeanCas phone call with the most epic of all Cas eyerolls. Dean didn't have to talk to Cas - he ASKED to talk to him bc he wanted to be sure he was safe from Chuck. Didn't ask about Cas' current case bc he trusted Cas could handle that solo. THESE TWO IDIOTS I SWEAR.
Okay am I seeing things or is there an ongoing theme of RAINBOW trout in S15? This is Atomic Monsters (15x04), Proverbs (15x05), and Golden Time (15x06). First pic is a generic rainbow trout from the Internet for comparison. Cas also holds a brochure with the trout on it. I just.
Content warning: S/PN finale:

Ah yes, thank you Golden Time for reminding me of the parallel scene from the finale that broke my heart, where Sam stopped in his run, but no Eileen appeared.
Fun fact: I looked up the name of Rowena’s apartment - The Aradia - and it’s a book from 1899, also known as “The Gospel of the Witches.”

The creators weave all kinds of fun subtext/symbolism into the show, not just Destiel (even if I do find biDean/Destiel to be the most fun!)
Melly: Taking yourself out of the game doesn’t really change the game.

This feels very Chuck to me. He got taken out of the game, but I don’t think it changed much of anything.
"Well it wont protect you from me."

Hard not to interpret this scene a hell of a lot differently now.
Cw: John Winchester’s A+ parenting

Back to my rewatch. This line to Lee: “He said he’s never seen anybody better in a fight, and that is high praise coming from my old man.”

Praise John gave Lee, not Dean. Dean’s dad told Dean’s (boy)friend he was better in a fight than Dean.
This scene w Lee & Dean talking about John is truly brilliant. Dean is so conflicted - Jensen's microexpressions run the emotional gamut. Sad, wistful, frustrated, annoyed, happy... Dean's feelings about John are epically complicated, and Jensen is masterful at expressing that.
Truly I think they really did show us Cas’ name written down in some form every single episode this season. I appreciate the banter, writers, but you’re all still wrong. Lol

Both with dark hair (like a certain someone else)
Both wearing similar outfits
Both vying for Dean’s attention
Both smack Dean on the ass

Yes I’m sure the scenes with Dean in Lee and Lorna’s bar being bathed in the colors of the bisexual flag is totally coincidental.
Big @CharCubed energy rn. This ep makes me climb the walls, I swear. If I were to list every bit of biDean subtext in this episode, I would be here all day and night. Pretty sure Dean just gave Lorna an awkward flirty face similar to one he gave Aaron Bass and I can't handle it.
Lee to Dean: "You deserve a break, bro. Hell, you might even deserve TWO.”

Lee knew Dean well enough to know that Dean COULD sing.

Dean shared a side of himself with Lee that he kept hidden to everyone else.

Lee also knew that Dean WANTED to sing. Secret wishes and hidden desires.

The leap from singing as a metaphor for sexuality is not a big one.
I know I’m probably officially in the weeds but it really looks like Dean is shooting George STRAIT here (country singer but play on words in this extremely not-straight episode) and I can’t seem to stop cackling. 😂😂😂
(Paging @CharCubed again just in case. 😂)
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