you know what? bakugou can break out of shinsou’s quirk. i said what i said.
and this isn’t even some “i love bakugou so ofc he can do it” headcanon. this is just strictly about how bakugou’s quirk /works/. and how it’s a bad match for how shinsou’s quirk works.

(ofc it’s still a headcanon, though)
i’ve mentioned before that bakugou’s quirk is one that aizawa can’t actually properly turn off. his quirk is both a transformation and emitter quirk due to the fact that it’s literally embedded into his sweat glands which function like normal.
even when aizawa cancels bakugou’s quirk, he can’t cancel his sweat in the same way he can’t cancel hagakure’s invisibility or ashido’s pinkness, etc. which means that bakugou’s quirk is always on, essentially. even with his quirk being cancelled, bakugou can still use it.
his quirk relies on his sweat production more than anything. it’s a combination of his mom’s quirk and his dad’s. so as long as bakugou’s sweating, his quirk is always in action. he can ignite it with even the slightest bit of kinetic energy due to the inherent instability of it.
introducing any kinetic energy to nitroglycerin, like friction or rise in temperature or shaking of the particles (like a jolt), can destabilize it and cause it to detonate. and this is where bakugou’s quirk is a poor match for shinsou’s.
as we see from deku’s battle against shinsou, deku is aware of shinsou’s control over him, trying to actively fight it but being unable to move and forced to obey. and it’s this very awareness that makes shinsou and bakugou a bad match.
if all you need is pain to break the control, bakugou can do that in spades, as evidenced by his fight against uraraka and his constant emphasis on quirks being muscles. we see bakugou constantly stretching his muscles because of the kickback of his quirk.
but it’s not the natural pain that comes from his quirk that makes him a bad match against shinsou (obviously muscle pain isn’t enough or shinsou’s quirk would be useless). but it’s his detonation force.
bakugou’s hands spark whenever he’s feeling large emotions—such as anxiety, anger, embarrassment, etc. he communicates actively with his quirk. but with his awareness of his quirk and its volatility (which we know he has an amazing understanding of) comes precise control.
now take away that control. that’s what shinsou’s quirk does. it robs bakugou’s quirk of its mind. but bakugou’s quirk requires control.

now add high emotions—anxiety, stress, anger, a desire to win. we’re getting into a stress response here. what comes with a stress response?
increased body temperature.

and what does nitroglycerin need to detonate?

kinetic energy.
bakugou’s quirk is a poor match up to shinsou’s because he can maintain awareness while under the influence. he can’t answer or fight back, but he knows what’s happening. and that stress is influencing his quirk. shinsou can’t control internal processes, after all.
so we’re looking down the barrel of an uncontrolled, unrefined detonation. and in the same way that heat begets heat, in the same way that an atom bomb is a chain reaction that spirals through the atoms, this isn’t simply crackles that’ll happen.
it’s something more along the lines of the explosion we see him fire against the debris uraraka dropped on him.


and that /hurt/ him.
even if he were to be tied up, bakugou’s quirk is always functioning, always able to set off, and, most importantly for shinsou’s quirk, always able to cause him pain.

and uncontrolled explosion (especially as bakugou gets even stronger) is going to cause a lot of pain.
but we’ve seen bakugou work through extreme pain so even when he gets jolted out of the quirk, he’ll still be raring to go.

but that’s why shinsou’s quirk is a terrible match for bakugou, and how bakugou very much /can/ break out of it.
and you can theorize that shinsou could tell him not to detonate his quirk, but bakugou’s quirk, stripped of constant vigilance is a landmine. and shinsou can’t make someone follow complex orders. so he can say, “don’t move. turn around,” but he can’t say, “remember this person.”
quirks are complicated. and while they’re a muscle, they’re also a honed skill. and depending on the kind of quirk, shinsou’s control can fluctuate. and, like i said, bakugou’s quirk is also a transformation quirk.
shinsou can’t stop him from sweating and detonating anymore than he can stop ashido from being pink.

and depending on the stress of the situation, there’s no set countdown for when bakugou can break out of it which makes it a really poor match.
tl;dr: bakugou’s quirk is a transformation and emitter type and continues to function even outside of his control, meaning he can detonate even without meaning to or consciously activating it which makes him able to undo shinsou’s hold on him if he’s put under his quirk.

and some people wonder why i say bakugou’s quirk is the coolest fucking thing.
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