California. Los Angeles Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Case # 21STCV10179.

She was served today, personally, while present in CA. She decided to vacation down the street from me and is either completely ignorant as to how personal jurisdiction works, or horribly arrogant, or both.
Can follow case summary here using above case number.

Filed complaint below. I am embarrassed by all the typos, but it was a rush job. Had to serve her before she left town.

Also, she is trying to create the narrative that she was not in town today it looks like. But I archived the proof she has erased, of her at the property she was staying at: 
And process servers are licensed and bonded, their word is gold. The court doesn't care about twitter narratives.

She was served 20 minutes before this tweet. Ask yourselves, how good of a time do you think she was really having at that moment?
There is a one year statute of limitations in CA for defamation. All she had to do was stay out of CA until October 31 of this year. Then I would have had to make the heavy lift of establishing jurisdiction in CA, or litigate this where she lives.
By coming to CA she opened herself up to the full jurisdiction of CA courts. Foolish.
Whoops, looks like I didnt post the civil section case lookup link above: here it is, case #21STCV10179
And if she thinks she can just not respond, fantastic. Default judgment on a $5M compensatory claim + punitive works for me. If I were her, I would learn about till taps, bank levies, property leins and the ability of judgement creditors to attach to just about anything.
Lets see if she'll notice losing $50k, 100 times.
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