This letter beautifully & eloquently reflects our position. There was no debate. Because there was no awareness or understanding. All cloaked in fuzziness. Enough. Time for a grown-up conversation in this country about the GRA, trans ideology & their catastrophic impact on single
Sex provision & child safeguarding. The mainstream media continue to ignore us & all the while we get attacked by trans rights activists who dox details of our founder’s young family & deceased relatives. These are tactics of desperation. We do not sit
on the fence. We have a hospital consultant as our medical advisor & barristers working on our medicolegal team. There is no evidence base whatsoever for the medical transitioning of children / YP. None. It is eugenics because it results in sterilisation. It’s behoves all us to
be brave now & face this. Children are being sacrificed in the name of an ideology which tells them to dissociate from their bodies; that surgery can assuage their emotional distress; that they are born in the wrong body. None of this is true. Puberty is the cure for dysphoria.
other more popular legislation like marriage equality. This was used successfully in Norway, Denmark & Ireland”, the document tells trans activists in its toolkit how to get trans lobby laws passed. Interestingly, it advises the lobby/activists to get ahead of governments by
lobbying for progressive legislation prospectively. This is what is playing out in Ireland in real time. All of the bills that have been signed off in the programme for government are what we call trans template laws. They are cut & paste laws. They are pushed out, top down
And we seem to be delighted to enact them all. No questions asked. But we at The Countess, do ask questions. We step back & examine them critically. Our critical analysis is that GRA came about exactly according to the playbook. No wonder we are the poster child? Yet as Denton
document reveals, these laws are deeply unpopular once people realise what they actually do! Which of course they do once they are allowed discuss them. We entered the public sphere as a group with modest ambitions, we wanted to empower the people of Ireland to discuss gender
Ideology & the GRA and its impact on everyday life. In five short months we have achieved that. As a human rights & advocacy group we represent a growing constituency of people in Ireland who are deeply concerned at how the new religion has seamlessly replaced the old.
We have found that in all countries the same methodology has been used. 1/ Self-ID brought in by stealth & often latched onto more popular legislation like marriage equality. 2/The Trojan Horse of “inclusivity” used to erase the word “mother”& the word “woman”from the lexicon as
we are seeing in Ireland currently via the proposed maternity bill & HSE CervicalCheck. 3/ The Trojan horse of anti-bullying resources being used in schools to push gender ideology without any basis in fact & in direct breach of safeguarding guidelines as set out under the
Children First Act. But most insidious and damaging of all after the meta law of self-ID (which stands as such an assault on reality & on the protections &
Rights of women & children)are what we call the Template laws which are enacted to enforce the ideology across sectors by
criminalising dissent. Please pay close attention because this is what these “cut & paste” laws do. They criminalise dissent via the Hate Crime Bill & the anti-conversion therapies bill; they indoctrinate the young by expanding GRA to children AND just as Biden has done in
the US across federal agencies, the inclusion of gender identity as a ground in Equality Legislation will trump sex/gender making it illegal to defend a female space from male incursion. It is really important to step back & see the big picture. The template laws enforce
gender ideology because they criminalise dissent. However we will not stand by while our government houses criminal, violent, predatory males with the most vulnerable cohort of women in society, in the female estate; when a growing number of young women amputate their breast
And take testosterone in the hope of becoming men. Women & children are NOT fodder for the Gender machine. We do not submit to the new religion. And #wewillbeheard
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