Everyone is a container for both masculine and feminine energies

To deny, suppress or even over-amplify one

Is living 1/2 of your potential
Masculine = strong, stoic, calm in the face of adversity, dark

Feminine = go with the flow, whimsical, spontaneous, light

Like Yin/Yang, you need both to be Whole
For example

Men who deny their femininity:
- stiff movements / can’t dance
- shows no emotion unless it’s rage
- poor communication skills
- shuts down / gives the quiet treatment when confronted
- B&W way of thinking / mindset
Women who deny their masculinity:
- always late
- no boundaries / goals
- over-reacts to minor things
- thinks everyone is out to ‘get her’
- highly anxious / susceptible to depression
- negative / pessimistic mindset
While I think it’s perfectly healthy to lean more masculine or feminine

It’s important to remember it’s a pendulum and to nurture the ability to swing either way depending on the circumstances
To be both driven and easy-going, calm and passionate, firm and gentle

Living only within the extremes means missing out on the wonderful, colorful experiences life has to offer
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