I'm still a little shook up by something that happened to me yesterday 🧵
I went to my local pet store, and after shopping for items, I realized there was a couple in the store who weren't wearing masks. Perhaps I'm paranoid or whatever, but my belief is that the people who are least careful, are the ones who are most likely to transmit the virus.
(And I should probably mention that years ago, I managed to survive cancer and now live with an autoimmune disease so I don't take the threat of dying from covid lightly)
Anyways — in a moment filled with anxiety, I chose to hand my items to a clerk, told him I would be back in just a bit, and shuffled quickly out of the store to my car to wait for the maskless couple to leave so I could go back in and purchase my puppy's treats.
From my car, I watched the couple (guessing in their late twenties) walk out of the store, and get in their car which was backed into a spot alongside the building. I was parked about 50 ft. away in a space in one of the rows, where I was able to see them.
I was in no rush, and just checking twitter, etc. — but after 10 minutes or so, I noticed they were watching me. I chose to give them the benefit of the doubt, thinking, "maybe I'm being silly, they're probably just setting their GPS, chatting or deciding where to go."
And sure enough, they eventually started their car began to drive.

But... they didn't leave.

They merely pulled out of their space, and into the space directly in front of mine, with their lights on — just staring at me.
After a few minutes into what felt like a standoff, I asked myself, "What is going on?"

"I could just go back in the store, but what if they come in after me and cough on me?"

"I could go home, but what if they follow me there?"

"Who are these people, and are they dangerous?"
Eventually, my choice was to take mental note of their license plate, and I started to back out of my parking space to leave.

My plan was to head home, but wtf, they started following me down out of the lot.
I turned down different streets, and they were still on my tail. Still shocked, I headed toward a nearby police station, where they finally made a u-turn and disappeared.
After I got home, and saw the news about the shootings in Atlanta, it occurred to me that my experience with the maskless people following me, might've been driven by hate because my eyes have an Asian resemblance.
And it really broke my heart, and still does, to consider the fear and hurt that Asians face because of hate and stupidity — much of which has been fueled by Trump's incessant need to place blame on China for his own ineptness and him referring to covid as china virus & king-flu.
So, to anyone who has been called names, treated poorly, threatened, abused, assaulted or chased down in your car — I see you, & stand with you.

And to those who have lost a loved one due to the hate and violence that's plagued our country — I'm so very sorry. ❤️ #StopAsianHate
to everyone asking, I just thought I'd mention that since I posted this, I've filed a report, and provided the police with their description and license plate number.
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