My own tweet inspired me today to open up a little bit, look into & expand more on the idea of what consists The Party in this day & age & what are the worldwide implications of that. But first, we need to tackle a few other issues. People really need https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1371056939204022277
a good dose of reality, because majority are still docile & fully asleep. Let's start with the mistakes i keep observing that people are making & which involves the entire spectrum of this covid debacle. People keep clinging to ideas such as these in hopes that:
- going back to old normal is still possible
- science, data & evidence will prevail
- sanity, logic, rationality will return and save us all
- reliance on the law & legal actions will be sufficient
- peaceful resolution is possible & even preferable (letting it all go)
- "I won't get involved & this nonsense will sooner or later just go away on its own"

But from my personal analysis & observations, unfortunately none of these things will happen or will be sufficient enough to change the current narrative. Why ? One of reasons is because
the problem is not local, but exists on a global scale & sooner or later will spread like cancer around the globe. People also forget that life is not a fairy tale & that wishful thinking or ‘things simply taking care of themselves’ does not usually happens in the real world.
Ask yourself these questions. When was the last time when fascist, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes went down peacefully ? When was the last time when criminals or crazy lunatics drunk on power said: "sorry, my bad" and peacefully relinquished their powers, apologized
and allowed to be judged by the people and by the law ? When was the last time when delusional lunatics and crazy people stopped causing damage (active support counts too, doesn’t matter if conscious or unconscious) to society or inflicting crimes against humanity on
their own, without an outside interference & involvement ? Did prayer, wishful thinking, reliance on the mercy, good mood and good will of the oppressors ever freed the oppressed ? In the past, i mentioned many times that people, especially the ones living in Western countries
have lost touch with reality, because we are all essentially living in protective "bubbles" that our society has created and because of prosperous & peaceful times we find ourselves in. It distorts our perception of reality and clouds our judgment, because we are being
conditioned to believe certain things to be right, true & virtuous. We also take many thing for granted & we keep enjoying all the fun & entertainment that is available to us. We can read about human history and all the things that happened in the past and behave almost
nonchalantly & without a second thought that some of these things might repeat themselves and actually someday may happen to ourselves. Regular people never see the war coming, they also never see the oppression and slavery coming until it is already in place or when they are
literally forced to defend themselves & fight for their lives. Majority of people also never see or suspect a dangerous shift in politics & reduction of freedoms, especially if these are being implemented under the disguise of emergency. Somehow, we always, and as a society,
drive ourselves into the corner while loving our cozy, warm and sweet spots where we always want to reside and we never see dangerous & evil things lurking in the shadows. Unfortunately this is the price for decades of peace, prosperity and consumerism. People have become
weak, brainwashed, prone to propaganda & irrational fears. We also apparently never learn from history. Keep in mind that there is a relatively quick way out of all of this, but it would require the people to understand that the “old normal” is not coming back, no matter what
and the acceptance that our lives have essentially “ended”, at least for a short & unspecified period of time. With a combination of unity in action & realization of what is at stake & what will be the consequences if no action will be taken, we would be able overcome the
current situation, “clean up” the mess & move on with our lives to whatever comes next & to a place where humanity still has a future. We as humans are always in a never ending struggle to overcome the obstacles in a search for happiness, freedom and our rightful place
in the universe. Unfortunately, this is not how history usually writes itself. For us to bounce back & to realize our mistakes and shortcomings, we first need to reach the bottom. But with the how things are going, with the current technological https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1362684124390182915
progress, the plans for globalization & control of all the things in our lives, we might never have a chance to bounce back. Now, here are few key questions. Do you know or remember why humans are a dominant species on this planet ? How that occurred and why that happened ?
Do you know what is one of our species greatest skills that allowed us to essentially conquer and rule over this planet ? A hint, this skill involves a self-preservation mechanism when faced with imminent & direct danger to ourselves, to our loved ones or to our community.
Another relevant question. Do you know how we are able to befriend, fool, enslave & utilize animals for our own benefit & entertainment ? It can be done via force or by deception & by exploiting the idea of false sense of security. The exact same technique, with the help of
propaganda & mechanisms of control & deception, applies to ourselves, but most people are not aware of that. We all have the power to decide our future and where we want to go as individuals or as a species. In fact, every person has a power to contribute to stopping this
madness and lunacy, they just need a blunt & decisive reminder of what homo sapiens actually are. If some governing power tells you that they want to protect you from X and because of that you need to do or accept Y, there is a good chance that they are lying to you.
"Für Ihre Sicherheit" is what the Nazis said. It means: "It’s for your safety". Tyranny always comes veiled in care, compassion & kindness with a good dosage of guilt: "You wouldn't want grandma to die, do you? You are not doing this for yourself, you are doing it
for others..." (h/t @jamft).

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