Classism & desirability politics operate in friendships. Friends rank each other, we all do. People rate your looks, intelligence, wealth— then decide where to place you in their friendship hierarchy. It’s important to pay attention and know your place to not embarrass yourself.
I mean know your place in terms of where you are in the ranking and don’t force things. I don’t “know my place” in the traditional sense, as the poor/ugly/fat friend etc I never beg for love, I speak up for myself and that upsets a lot of hierarchical structures in friendships.
Just observe a few friendships circles and you will see how what I’m talking about operates. Hence some people won’t invite you to certain events because you don’t fit their “brand” or how pretty people befriend each other and have one ugly friend who entertains the group etc
I’m glad this mini thread resonated with some of you, we all know where we stand with all of our friends, hence why we know who to call when we are going through something or for fun etc Some friends are social climbers, & users. Friendships are beautiful & NB—need to discern ❤️
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