Australia 2015...another example AH projection?
AH furious about pre/postnup & also claim JD accuse her of affair with Billy Bob Thornton
Pure speculation but something make me think there a link which sparked AH level of rage...wonder if connection is Angelina Jolie?

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AH said admired Jolie but reckon more like narcissistic envy,tries to compete & imitate eg
Jolie humanitarian,donates charity,supports many causes
Jolie often plays ‘strong’ woman in action films
In interviews both Jolie & JD say how they got on well personally &

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respected each other as actors...AH perceive herself talented & perhaps resent that she not receive same praise
Unfounded rumours that Jolie & JD hook up filming Tourist...AH maybe use the rumour against JD & she likely flirt with BBT to taunt JD

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Also rumours Jolie advised JD get prenup,warned him against AH...whether true or not AH probably aware & increase her anger over prenup/postnup
...did AH temper explode beyond control when she found out house in Australia was same one Jolie & Pitt stay year before?

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...did AH twist all of that to blame JD ...and so projected her own anger & jealousy on him?

These are only my thoughts...a personal opinion...

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Oh and just thought I’d add this here too...

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