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Do you know what the legislation on abortion says?

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Currently, any pregnant woman (Section 72) that ingests/inserts any kind of substance or uses any object/instrument with the intention of inducing an abortion/miscarriage does so unlawfully and can be imprisoned for life with or without hard labour.

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(Section 73) Any person that tries to administer or finds a way for a woman to have an abortion, does so unlawfully and could be imprisoned for up to 3 years w/w-o hard labour.

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When was the legislation outlawing abortions established?

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The Offenses Against the Persons Act which criminalizes abortions was established in 1864. When the Act was first created, it was very specific to Black women using their own concoctions to induce their own or that of others’ abortions.

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The act was a conscious effort at maintaining a labour force post-emancipation. What the Act has given us, however, is an ambiguous legislation that has not identified under what circumstances/conditions or what constitutes a ​lawful ​abortion.

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Jamaica has drafted a Termination of Pregnancy Act.

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The Termination of Pregnancy Bill of 2007 represents some of the major demands that WE are making of the government of Jamaica. Check it out.


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Here’s what WE are asking for.

The government must repeal sections 72 & 73 of the Offences Against the Persons Act. Repealing these sections effectively decriminalises abortions, making it no longer a criminal offence.

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WE want there to be specifications for methods to be used that are certified by the Medical Association of Jamaica.

WE believe that abortion Services should be included in our health clinics that are equipped to perform them as a service at the clinic.

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WE want Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (specifically HLFE) to include abortion as a valid method of family planning & a safe medical procedure.

WE want pre & post counselling to be made available as a part of the provision of abortion services.

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WE want the discussion on whether a person can and should have an abortion to be a conversation between that person and their health provider.

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WE want special provisions to be made for minors (along with CISOCA in instances of rape) so they do not require the permission of their guardians to have an abortion.

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Feel free to keep the conversation going, to keep up to date with the abortion advocacy in Jamaica and to reach out to WE & @AbortionJamaica to find out how you can join in! ✨

Walk good ❤️ #WETweet #AbortionStandJA
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