i saw a lot of boys asking about what they can do to make women feel more comfortable and rightfully so so here is a thread <3 there are plenty more to be said but this is just a start
• if you hear a woman being bothered, walk over and support her. you could pretend to be a family member, a friend or perhaps even a boyfriend if a man is really bothering her and she seems distressed. it would be greatly appreciated.
• if you hear your friends or men around you speaking in a derogatory way about women or a particular woman, CALL THEM OUT! don’t let them get off lightly. do not stay silent. men should be educated, women should not have to be harassed
• if a woman is walking alone (particularly at night), leave space/distance between you and her or cross the road so she knows you are not following her. this will make her feel more at ease & feel like she’s not being pursued. don’t walk at her pace, cross over & overtake her.
• never ever victim blame a woman when she opens up about past experiences. even the smallest experience can be traumatic and last a lifetime. support her. do not say “what about men?” or “it’s not all men” because it is all women 👍🏻do not pass it off as nothing
• try to keep your face visible (unless you’re wearing a mask because of COVID) if you are walking past a woman at night. also if you are running at night, make sure to breathe heavy or make much more noise so she does not get spooked out when you run behind her and past her.
to clear up the confusion about the breathing i’m not saying start panting like a dog, maybe just cough to let the girl know ur behind her so she doesn’t get spooked :)
hollie guard is also an app i’ve seen it sure how good it is tho <3 https://twitter.com/abbiehatesu/status/1370002515551522816
IMPORTANT https://twitter.com/abbiehatesu/status/1370149770954747905
video i saw on tiktok about man pretending to know girl so she would stop being harassed. i’ve seen people say they’d feel creeped out etc so i think it’s personal preference. personally i would be very thankful.
this touches upon why i made this thread. men should do all this already but sadly they don’t! i will educate people who want to be educated! especially if it benefits women and makes our lives safer <3 https://twitter.com/thetinysir/status/1370045251826683910
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