@metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK Great work on the murder MPS

However in 2018 the Electoral Commission referred Serious Offences Committed by Vote Leave to win the 2016 Referendum. Serious Offences referred by a Parliamentary Quasi Judicial Body -- not an average report of criminal act
2/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK after 2.6 years the Vote Leave 2016 Brexit Referendum Crime has not been closed down.

The Justice System = MPS/CPS-DPP are either corrupted or it is Dereliction of Duty which I believe is Laid down in Statute 3/
3/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK Yes the murder is extremely important - However by MPS/CPS not deciding to investigate the Serious Offences referred by the Electoral Commission MPS has allowed 2.6 years of further criminal actions to be carried out by the V=L Group 4/
4/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK It is clear that the Vote Leave Group were found guilty of lessor Offences and fined by
the E-C - MPS were tardy in collecting the Files of evidence for 6 months - abject failure of Duty laid down in Law .

That Tardiness has now led to 2.6 years 5/
5/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK Met Police you decide which it is to be -- Dereliction of Duty - investigate a crime in reasonable time or Corruption where the criminals who were subject of the Serious Offences became Govt and caused you not to investigate and bring them to Court
6/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK Met Police - I have included the @NCA_UK because it is long overdue that action is taken on the Monumental Crime which certain members of MPS and CPS have allowed to be buried

Corruption by Govt is no answer in the Dock MPS time to blow the whistle 7/
7/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK People in the Met Police who have allowed Vote Leave Crime to be buried and allow Brexit to continue with all the massive costs have a lot to answer for - £37 billion on Track and Trace 770 time the costs of Germany - where is the Serious Fraud Branch 8/
8/ @metpoliceuk / @NCA_UK Time for the Good Cops to call out crooked Cops - the crooked cops have allowed Vote Leave Govt to wreck the UK - there has been leaks that Putin funded the V_L Group by £8 million

@NCA_UK time to step up to the mark & do your Duty to investigate MPS
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