I am not worried about the variants, & am optimistic that we're close to this being pretty much over. I think 2021 will be dominated by the aftershocks -- economic, political, geopolitical -- of COVID, & not by more COVID.
It will still be months before I'm in public unmasked, but it is coming. Next week I'm ditching the goggles & downgrading my mask game to something less crazy-person-looking.
To be clear: I'm still paying attention to the case numbers as usual, & will re-adjust if things take another turn. But right now, "adjusting" looks like loosening up & preparing for the end of the COVID era.
This supply chain situation... it's still jacked in a big, big way. And it doesn't seem to be getting much better. I think this is some kind of COVID drama feeding into geopolitical drama. https://twitter.com/Josh_Ebner/status/1369854432972845059
There will be food supply weirdness as restaurants come back online. That will cause all kinds of weird price gyrations, packaging & distribution issues, shortages of specific foods, etc.
Some assets and asset classes will overheat, & depending on which ones spike up & how fast (oil would be a big one), that will have major ripple effects & feedback loops.
It's like this: a whole bunch of random, unexpected stuff broke & flew apart when we halted our economy; a whole bunch of different random stuff will break & fly apart as we restart it. And the restart may feel crazier in some respects than the shutdown.
Yes, and this will be a driver of some of the geopolitical weirdness & supply chain weirdness. Things are out of sync & broken, & trying to get the machine running again
& stabilized will be the story of 2021. https://twitter.com/AndrewHires/status/1369854763634814976
Anyway, there is a lot of trauma we've done to our society that the pressure of the virus + isolation has kept mostly hidden, so far. So IMO there is a lot of brokenness that suddenly will pop into view when the pressure lets up & things start trying to knit back together.
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