Hi, welcome to my profile. If you are considering following me, here's a few things you may want to know:
I comment a good deal on politics. If you are on the Right or Left, you are going to disagree with me on some things. Even if you are classical liberal/libertarian you are bound to as well though less often. I'm not a member of any political party or tribe. (1/10)
I also post on other things I enjoy; science, religion, philosophy, health, exercise, food, carpentry, home improvement, gardening, landscaping, games, fictional universes, etc. If you are just here for politics, it's not all you will find. (2/10)
All thoughts are my own, nothing I post is representative of any group or organization. (3/10)
I do my best to engage respectfully with others even if we disagree on things vehemently. I always try to walk away agreeing to disagree even if we can't find any common ground. (4/10)
I don't get upset, angry, or offended easily. I do my best to stick to a rational discussion of topics, not insults when disagreeing with others. If you engage with me that way, we can have good conversations. (5/10)
This isn't a troll account. If you are here to troll, I just won't respond. If you start foaming at the mouth and hurling insults because you disagree with me, I'll stop responding. (6/10)
I do find jokes funny though, and can laugh at myself. A lot of what I post comes across very serious. This is more my personality: (7/10)
You aren't likely to change my world view, that's a product of a couple decades of careful consideration & critical thinking about the nature of reality, a lot of learning on my end, & probably rooted in some inherent personality traits. (8/10)
I know a little about a lot. I know a lot about a few things. But I'm not arrogant enough to think I know everything. I'm open to having my mind changed, and it has been on some issues over the years when I've run into rational cogent arguments. (9/10)
Anyone is welcome to follow me, even if we disagree on things. If you do, there is a fair chance I might follow you back. I don't only follow people or topics I agree with. I'm not interested in being in an ideological echo chamber.

If all that suits you, then welcome! (10/10)
You can follow @Nezalhualixtlan.
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