gonna do some fate themed tumblr post edits for fun
"what was enkidu up to during the battle for new york"
(kadoc after spending a few days with anastasia)
(sherlock got into supernatural because he watched bbc sherlock out of curiosity, discovered superwholock and how he unironically hatewatches supernatural)
just a wodime post in general
famed lesbian katsushika oui and majored-in-being-a-greek-nymph-minored-in-van-gogh clytie
i lied to you. there is no FGO joke. read fate/strange fake to get this post
the mammoth takes a lot of parking space
ICP (Insane Clown Pussy)
she's saying this 100% seriously while solving 10 mathematical equations at the same time
lb6 is closer than it is further away
emiya gohan's secret OVA
i feel like nightingale is mostly ambivalent to film as an entertainment and artform she just appreciates osmosis jones for being one of the few ways she can teach jack, nursery rhume & co basic health information with them paying full attention
this post isnt that funny really i just wanted to post odysseus and his cleavage window
chaldea book club where every day andersen attacks willy over his writing choices
"wouldnt tomoe work much better"

yeah but i think yu wants to hold her husbands hand AND beat him in mario kart AND i like yu and xiang yu more
kitchen staff group chat where the only people who actually talk are cat and emiya (boudica only uses her phone for calls)
there was no good way to do this idea
au where sieg never breaks out of the homunculus tank so him and avicebron just have conversations like this
incredibly rare mary anning post that happens only once a year
e pluribus unum top secret messages between the leader of the celtic faction and the presi-king
one of these threads had a lot of karna crab posts so im supplying a different niche
(hyde and astolfo had a fling backstage mid concert and arash decided he wanted to pursue an independent musical career)
charlie cameos since he's researching his emperor predecessors
shinjuku phantom incident
translator's note: this joke is actually based on the "dentist fergus" gag seen in the first valentine's event and not fergus being horny, although it helps this post greatly
medb doesn't have any crying sprites actually. girlboss
astrapste argo
orion: i hate my wife


orion: good talk.
ccc deleted scenes
more gareth/gawain siblingposting
lancelot leaving france to join the knights of the round
notes: willy is high as a kite rn and chiron has had this debate with jason at least once
medb voice hadn't thought of that
emiya gohan OVA 2
theres no transparent marisbury sprites
*cosmos in the lostbelt op starts blaring*
happy transgender it's friday
wish they explored his memory issues more outside of his valentines event
he could
if i had a nickel for every post in this thread that's just about jason using Astrapste Argo, i'd have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but it's weird that i've made the same post twice
prayer circle for setanta to make it into fgo mobile so that fergus can go full dad mode
i have a long explanation for this in my brain that would not be covered in the space of a single tweet
same person, different gender & universe. you know how it is
the idea for this one came to me during my 1 hour nap so its probably only funny to me
discussions had on the Argo during lostbelt 5.1
(voyager loves music due to all the music stuffed into the golden disc he carried into space with him)
one for the melty/tsukihime crowd
this is their second interaction in chaldea after hogen's first line regarding douman just being their incredibly ugly laughter
this isnt a tumblr post its just an edit i made like 2-ish years ago and i wanted to put it in this thread
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