Autistic traits I often see perceived/used as evidence that a person is “stupid”

A thread for allistics
Not understanding sarcasm or social cues. Not being able to “read between the lines” or “read the room.” Taking things literally and at face value. Not immediately getting jokes or puns.
Not understanding supposedly “simple” instructions, needing simplified step by step instructions. Needing things explained multiple times for understanding.
Trouble with words; with finding the right words, with explaining things clearly, with describing things.
Lacking in supposed “common sense” when a lot of “common sense” is determined by very allistic standards and may not make sense from an autistic viewpoint. Also a lot of “common sense” is deemed “obvious” so we’re expected to just *know.*
Short attention span/getting distracted easily. Forgetfulness.
Lack of facial expressions and “under-reacting” to things. Being supposedly “emotionless” because we don’t express our emotions in a “normal” way. Also the opposite, “overreacting” and unusually intense/prolonged reactions.
Impulsivity. Acting or speaking without thinking, without realizing the impact on others.
A tendency to “state the obvious.”

Or not understand things that are “obvious” to others. Asking questions with “obvious” answers.
Being unintentionally funny. Saying things seriously and not realizing how they may come off, then getting confused when people laugh.
Ok, time to mute this thread! But first:
One last thing: this can apply to a lot of disabled people who aren’t autistic, yes! However I’ve seen a lot of allistic neurodivergents (particularly allistic adhd folk) participate in anti autistic bigotry and would like y’all to examine that and do better

Also, intelligence as a measure of someone’s morality/worth is ableist! The purpose of this thread was to point out the inherent ableism in the way people measure intelligence, not to put down Intellectually disabled folk in any way. So don’t bring that shit here.

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