Urban #sustainability is a trending topic in planning & revitalization circles. A growing body of research ( @urbaninstitute @EcocityJoe) supports ways sustainability can help spearhead reinvestment in American legacy cities #GOPCThread
This weeks #GOPCThread examines why urban #sustainability is important for #legacycities & what strategies look like.
The @urbaninstitute explains some of the objectives of urban #sustainability are “reinvesting in cities, restoring urban density, & advancing racial equity.” Cc: @EcocityJoe @landpolicy #GOPCThread
Broadly, the framework for urban sustainability is built on three pillars—environment, equity, and economy #GOPCThread
Urban #sustainability is well-suited to the challenges & opportunities of legacy cities for several reasons outlined by @urbaninstitute #GOPCThread
The industrial past of legacy cities has left behind environmental issues, like brownfields and contaminated waterways, that require remediation for reuse. Ohio alone has over 9,000 environmentally contaminated #brownfields. #GOPCThread
Legacy cities are often saddled with aging infrastructure. Urban #sustainability strategies allow for system upgrades to be more sustainable and efficient #GOPCThread
Legacy cities leaders can catalyze equitable economic growth & attract new residents through enhancing & greening physical & natural assets. @sustainableCLE embracing sustainability strategies to enhance the city’s vibrancy & livability. #GOPCThread https://www.sustainablecleveland.org/ 
Embracing #sustainability in legacy cities stands to benefits millions of people – nearly 17 million live in legacy cities. In Ohio, one third of the population lives within a legacy city or the surrounding region. @BrookingsInst #GOPCThread
There are lots of ways to embrace urban sustainability programming. #GOPCThread
Green infrastructure, a part of urban sustainability, is programming that reclaims vacant properties, adds or improves greenspace. In Youngstown, Ohio @YoungstownNDC wrote a playbook for converting vacant properties back into productive use. #GOPCThread https://www.yndc.org/sites/default/files/Vacant%20Land%20Reuse%20Guide_0.pdf
In Sandusky, OH brownfield remediation helped spur downtown revitalization and access to Lake Erie. #GOPCThread https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59396fee59cc6877bacf5ab5/t/5acba42c352f53a44f182be1/1523295291010/Chesapeake+Lofts+OnePager+_FINAL.pdf
Blue infrastructure strategies refer to the reclamation of water resources or improvement of water quality. In @cityofdayton, the downtown riverfront is a kayaking destination making recreational use of the urban riverfront. #GOPCThread
Urban #sustainability can focus on mitigating climate impacts, reducing energy use & greenhouse gas emissions or transitioning to sustainable energy. In @Rochester_NY a green roof added to city hall improves air quality, reduce run-off & energy consumption #GOPCThread
Transportation programs can also be “green” be offering options like multi-modal transit and vehicle fleets that are low carbon or those that support investments in sidewalks and crosswalks so people can walk or take transit where they want to go. @MORPC #GOPCThread
Municipalities can promote holistic approaches to urban #sustainability by adopting sustainability-focused plans & codes, identifying sustainability staff positions… #GOPCThread
or creating an office of sustainability. @Pittsburgh leaders produced a climate action plan and 100% renewable energy target. #GOPCThread https://apps.pittsburghpa.gov/redtail/images/7101_Pittsburgh_Climate_Action_Plan_3.0.pdf
. @CountyofErie Department of Environment & Planning officials, following their sustainability plan, are conducting climate vulnerability assessments to better understand climate risks in Erie County, PA.
In some places, new types of green CDCs, like @PUSHBuffalo & @GroundworkUSA, are emerging to revitalize neighborhoods by incorporating a focus on sustainability & urban greening #GOPCThread https://www.pushbuffalo.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/PPG-PUSH-GDZ-Report.6.2017.pdf
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