2/11 There were three stop the Steal rallies, same organizers and same speakers N14, D12, J6 all with the same message, 'Christ is King' and the election was stolen from Trump and the Patriots needed fight like hell to take their country back https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1329080170112712713
3/11 all were attended by huge numbers of Proud Boys and on the Dec 12, the second rally there were 4 stabbings involving Proud Boys, THERE WAS A HUGE POLICE PRESENCE on bikes w/riot gear swooping out of nowhere https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1338992484471300097
4/11 The night before on January 5, there were fiery speeches at Freedom Plaza by Gen Flynn, Alex Jones and Roger Stone all calling for a holy war promising to 'fight like Flynn' the next day because of the fraudulent election
5/11 I've covered a thousand rallies, BLM, Charlottesville and followed the MAGAs for 5 yrs. There were NO police or National Guard all day in the chaos, instead there were people with white bullhorns yelling orders 'storm the Capitol', '1776', 'it's our house' 'fight for Trump'
6/11 Then at 4:20pm I filmed one of the insurrectionists with a bullhorn saying 'Mayor Bowser wanted to call in the National Guard to clear us out, but the Defense Department said, no thank you!' The Guard showed up at 5:45 to enforce the 6pm curfew https://twitter.com/sandibachom/status/1348328459001602048
7/11 Then today watching the hearings and listening to National Guard head Gen Walker say the very thing I witnessed, that he was blocked by the Department of Defense and Chris Miller's Jan 4 letter was put into evidence and I knew it! This was the plan all along!
8/11 The Big Lie the election was stolen, planned for months, regurgitated through the QAnon disinformation ecosytem. Trump replaced the DOD brass with is stooges to block the Capitol Police and National Guard from intervening in his insurrection. It goes all the way to the top
9/11 One last thing. At 4:10pm a guy read a message from Trump. Standing next to him is Richard Barnett who sat in Pelosi's chair. It was Trump's 'Mike Pence didn't have the courage' tweet from 2:24pm which was read into evidence in the impeachment trial https://twitter.com/sandibachom/status/1358639333943762944?s=20
10/11 So it appears my original theories from my video appear to be accurate. This was the third Stop the Steal, all the same people, growing in violence. Trump's speech was an hour late to give them cover during the breach and NO POLICE or National Guard https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1349104052437721088
11/11 Thank you for taking the time to read this thread and for supporting independent frontline journalism http://paypal.me/sandibachom 
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