I was born in a strict Jehovah Witness family. I lived all my life isolated from my school friends, I couldn't keep any hobby that wasn't related to the congregation. A friend in middle school gave me the first Harry Potter book and when my parents found out I was reading it>
>they literally burnt it. Saying I couldn't give his book back to that friend was one of the worst experience of my life, he never talked to me after that.
I had to give up sport, music classes, grades, school trips, everything that could distract me.
Even my hair were problematic: apparently they were too "distracting" since they were curly and long. They told me I had to straighten them. Ofc doing this every day ruined them forever. I cut them and I looked like a male. They were obsessed with my hair, my clothes, my manner.
They ruined my childhood and adolescence and they want to ruin my adulthood too. This is why I made this account. I need to talk about it, I need to know people outside the congregation, I need to know I'm not the problem and to find the courage to leave someday.
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