fighting with my stupid fucking housemate bcos he had dumped the deadest indoor bonsai i’ve ever seen outside for months so i decided to use the pot to replant some cat grass in it and he comes in starts guilt tripping me about how it was a gift 😐MATE IT WAS DEAD
i proceed to say um that was the deadest plant ive ever seen & it was dumped outside he hits me with the “yeah it has been dead for a bit friend who is an ecologist was going to help me with it” unless your friend is a WIZARD it’s not COMING BACK it was DEAD AS THATCHER
the way he dumped out my cat grass plant in a bag and left it on the carpeted stairs i cant with the passive aggression in this house please suffer .
the way he says to me “next time maybe don’t touch other people’s stuff without asking” i’m literally going to punt you into oblivion
the way i know for a fact he would never have touched that stupid dehydrated parched sahara desert of a bonsai tree again if it were not for me trying to recycle the pot its so disingenuous fkskckanfkwjcjwudlqm
if i see that bonsai alive again in this house i will eat my wig
except i wont cos its dead and he is fucking ridiculous
n e way i had to replant my cat grass and i found this cute pink pot anyway so who won cunt
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