The reddish brown colour typically given for men was the colour used in all ancient art across the Mediterranean

Greeks used it, Italians used it, syrians used it, and so did Egyptians.
Syriacs and minoan greeks.
Syriacs and minoan greeks in egyptian art

Can't wait for the "Greeks was black too then someone whitewashed greeks then greeks whitewahed egyptians" LOL
See how BLACK people portrayed themselves in THEIR art
The artistic style is very different, i say Let your art speak for itself.
And if neither our art or your art is a fair enough judgement for you, let's see how others, Iraqis depicted the differences

King esarhaddon showing nubian king tirhaka after he captured his family in war.

Notice the difference
However, let's see a fraction of how actual black people were portrayed in egypt art.

The tomb of Amenhotep huy, the vizer of king Amenhotep III, showing Nubians paying tribute to the king

"For it is not the eyes that are blind, but rather the hearts inside the chests" 22:46
King tut portraying himself as a sphinx, crushing on the asiatic and nubian enemies

Notice how the reddish brown colour is used for both egyptians and asiatics, notice the difference in phenotype and morphology of the face.
1/2 King Tut leading the army, crushing the enemy, his soldiers stabbing them

3/4 King tuts sandals and stuff, on which and by which he steps on the floor, i would personally find that too humiliating, no ?
I can go on and on for days, literally for days
A Black Nubian who became an Egyptian Royalty as he proved loyal to king Thutmose IV, maiherpri who was buried in the valley of the kings.

They did not portray him in Reddish brown, they did in BLACK.
Took this with my own Camera, Luxor Temple, if you ever wish to pay Egypt a visit i will show you around, there is countless more of these on the walls of our temples and Tombs.
I promise you... there is too many, way too many... i didn't have enough space on my phone except for little.

Karnak Temple.
Tied on your feet, turned upside down, tied on your head, the tomb of Ramessis IX..
Let's play a game called, pick the egyptian out of the two!
Which one ?
Which one ?
Which one ?
Which one ?
End of thread.
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