Cuomo should be expelled from the Democratic Party. He:
- Illegally cancelled a Democratic primary election.
- Failed his state in COVID response.
- Cut Medicaid in a pandemic.
- Has credible sexual harassment allegations from 2 former aides.
- Has credible allegations (1)
of threatening people who won’t lie for him.
- Forced NHs to take in patients they were not equipped to care for.
- Exempted NH from accountability.
- Lied about NH deaths.
- Overlooked Police brutality in response to protesters.

This is unacceptable. He needs to resign.
I guess now it’s 3 allegations of sexual harassment.
I guess now it’s 5 allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior.
I guess now it’s 6 allegations. #CuomoMustGo
I guess now it’s 7 allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior.
So now it’s 8 allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior. #CuomoResign
And apparently he also made sure his family received special access to COVID vaccines. What’s next? #CoumoMustGo #ResignCoumo
Cuomo also apparently prioritized COVID tests for those close to him. #ResignCuomo #CoumoMustGo
Oh, and now there are 10 accusations of sexual misconduct. #CoumoMustGo
Not only that, he forced staff to “volunteer” their time to help write his book. All while he was hiding the actual facts from the public. I can’t believe I have to keep adding to this thread. #ImpeachCuomo #ResignCuomo #CuomosGottaGo
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