Just watched The Avengers (2012) for the first time because I was curious.

I dunno, for the most part this movie seemed plastic and predictable to me.
The action wasn’t bad I guess.

Suppose I’m too deep into the realm of either arthouse or grindhouse movies at this point.😅
W- wait, am I watching the right movie..?
I admit, I am so unfamiliar with the MCU that I can mainly only think of these while watching the Avengers movies.
I’ll admit, as cheesy as it is, I kinda dig the face close ups of Tony Stark when he’s in the Iron Man Armor.
Okay, Age of Ultron was a bit more exciting to watch - maybe because I’m warmed up to the whole theme now?

Anyway, going to bed now, I’ll continue my journey with the MCU tomorrow and tweet all my curious findings in this thread (I’m sorry if you follow me).
Civil War starts with some well choreographed action but I still don’t understand the concept of captain America. Is he like a Human+?
He seems as generic a hero as his name tbh.

Also i still want to see him eat his shield!!!
YO what the funk, DANIEL BRÜHL?????
For reference: this guy was an actor in some German Teenie films of my youth, so it’s super weird to see him in a Hollywood blockbuster Movie now.

(Although he also was in Inglourious Basterds so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.)
Movie done. Hmmm. It was a bit darker, I liked that. Otherwise lots of cg action.

Also, does every movie in this series contain a teaser for something else?

Anyway, Infinity War is up next. Not today though.

Wait, who are the three people on the right..?
Okay, in which movie did Loki get freed?

Are you telling me after years it took me to finally accept that I cannot always consume the predecessor of something the MCU mandates EXACTLY THAT???

Are you telling me I cannot quickly watch the main movies and be up to speed??
Okay. Screw that, I’m back-pedalling. Is this good..?
Wait no, I’ve already seen Age of Ultron which these movies precede. Whaaaaa-
Seriously, you need a degree for this...

Help me, should I roll with infinity war or go somewhere else tonight??
I’m going with Guardians now. I get too unprepared for Infinity Wars.

Seriously, this is outright gate keeping.
Okay, real quick, does the MCU simply accept that humans do space travel or is it elaborated at some point that earth is left and adventures continue on other worlds/dimensions?
Oh cool, it’s the raccoon and the tee guy! I’ve seen them before in memes and trailers.
Oh, are the humans here not part of earth at all? I’m confused...
Why do they all talk English?? Is there no other language in this universe?

It would be really cool if there was an explanation for this, like some English speaking person being the first to ever in space and teaching language to all other beings.
Is this... a hologram of Emperor Palpatine?

Oh, there’s Thanos!
Okay, the joke about not needing the leg was kinda funny and the guy only being able to take stuff literally made me chuckle.

I really like this Groot guy. He’s cool! But also makes me sad how cg has replaced practical effects nowadays. :( Would Love to see a practical version.
I admit this movie is kind of fun to watch! Feels a bit more fantastic but also light hearted than the others I’ve watched so far. Nice change of heart for now. :)
Comeoooon there was no reason for a callback to that joke, it was funny once, don’t overdo it. And for god’s sake, do not make it a running gag!
D- did Groot just make the DreamWorks face???
Okay, this showdown was a bit super fantastic and a bit too comical for my taste.

I’m a bit weirded out to see Glenn Close whom I only know as Cruella in this movie btw.
Guardians of the Galaxy was a fun watch. Not really the kind of movie I regularly watch but something nice to just sit back and switch brains off and enjoy.

It felt so different from the other MCU movies I’ve watched so far that I wonder how it all will come together.
Okay, here we go. Don’t you dare tell me this is not a proper sequel and I need to have watched four other movies before to understand it!!!
So, this Movie Starts in EARTH after we went batshit crazy in space before?? How modest...
Cheap voice pitch shifter on Groot pffffffft
The music sounds a bit like a more heroic version of the Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack.
Okay, this movie is kinda silly but I kinda dig that right now.
Oooh, I just heard a Boom Library sound!
GotG Vol. 2 was fun to watch but I thought it was a tad TOO goofy at times and the humour could have been a bit more subtle.
Am I correct in assuming apart from characters this movie didn’t bring me any closer to IW?
*sigh* I guess I’ll have to dig a little further into the MCU.
Okay MCU you won. This time.

I’m going to become an expert by the end of the month. Just watch. Or let me watch, I don’t know
I’m 30 minutes in and still not over the fact, they mentioned MySpace in the beginning.
The first suit prototype kinda looks like a deep-sea diver.
I... wasn’t aware he had this heart thingie. I thought it was an energy cell of the suit or something. 😳
They don’t elaborate on that in the later movies, do they?
Oh cool, the face close ups which I like although they are cheesy are introduced! 🤩
Ah yes, 2008, the year I graduated from secondary school and when Arabs were the default evil guys in movies and orchestral metal music was cool.
Okay, that was certainly a movie.

after the epicness of movies I already experienced this felt a bit lukewarm. Also it’s clearly a product of its time.

I guess the story was about Tony Stark having a... change of heart!

Bruce Wayne stays my favourite super hero billionaire.
Wait what?? The post credits scene kickstarted ALL OF THIS?! Did they know the whole thing was still going 12 years later? Back then I perceived Iron Man as just another blockbuster movie.
The Incredible Hulk!

The French would say:
L’Incroyable ÖLK

BuT zEt ThIs MoViE iS nOt EvEn ReAl-


If I get myself up to speed I do it real. I am all or nothing. Here we go!

This movie isn’t even on Disney+ in Germany, I had to add an Amazon Channel. I’m THAT committed.
Here’s a title photo because the menu doesn’t look as fancy as D+

Don’t worry, I’m watching in English, just the picture is German text due to my IP. (Which suuuucks :< )
Wait - Edward Norton is in this?? Man, now I’m sad I’m watching it because I know Norton left the MCU cast. 😭😭😭
Hulk HAS to be inspired by Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde.
Okay, this is... if mean COME ON!!! 🤣
I like how movies from the 2000s look basically like they are in the present except for the dead give always mobile phones and people using digital cameras instead of smartphones.
Hmmm, the some parts were pretty cheesy, others quite dark. Liked the dark stuff but the CG aged poorly.

I think I enjoyed it overall.

That ending... I wonder if people knew back then that it would tie in with Iron Man.
How important are the MCU television shows..?

Asking for a friend. 😳
I am genuinely looking forward to watching Iron Man 2 tonight.

What the heck is wrong with me??
While I am heckin sad that I missed the @SwissSpeedruns Unrailed! Run earlier, 😭😭 I am now curious about this Iron Man sequel!
So far I’ve perceived Tony Stark to be a pretty cool anti hero, while I don’t like the character, I think he is well written!
All I can think of during the Senate Hearing scene is wondering whether senator Stern is a Democrat or a Republican.
Wtfffffff Elon Musk?!?!?!??!!!?!??!?!?
That fight between the Iron Men sounded like a lot of frying pans being hit on each other.
Hmm, the fight against an evil Iron Man felt a lot like the fight from the first movie.

I still like the face closeup though. 😬
Alright, let’s see who can lift the hammer. That dude looks like Ego! Is this Ego??
The existence of Nordic gods living somewhere in space implies the existence of Greek and Egyptian gods living somewhere as well, I want to see their stories!
Sometimes I wonder if the MCU movies are just vessels for one liners.
Hm. I think movie has been the most “meh” for me so far. A pretty standard “jerk becoming a better person” story with some eins old war between people and a traitor among one. Also this mixture of mythology and scifi feels a bit weird.
Alright let’s go! Generic super hero with generic super hero name, I can’t wait to watch this movie!!! 🙃
That throwback to the Stark Expo is kinda cool, I like that!
I don’t know, but I find this romanticising of war time highly problematic. I know I am lucky to not live in a time of war in my country and I could not imagine what horrors these were.
I know they don’t mean to be disrespectful but I still feel like the point is lost.
I’m also not sure how I feel about my body type being displayed as problematic and only useful if improved by some magic serum. 😅 I don’t really feel offended but it makes me wonder - why do all Heroes need to be muscular good looking white males?
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