The abilities of the Clima Tact,
A thread.
1- Lightning
Lightning is her strongest attack.
2- Mirage
That's the attack where Nami makes illusory replicas of herself.
3- Fog
The fog is used to blind the opponent so that Nami can land an attack on them.
4- Heat
It was first used in order to get Monet out of the way by melting her snow.
This is from a special episode called adventure of nebula and Nami used Heat Egg. This would be her strongest attack with lightning if only Oda let her use it.
5- Clouds
This attack is used to hold back her opponent(s).
6- Snow
Nami attempted to use this attack against Giolla, but it failed after her Clima Tact was transformed into art by Giolla's Devil Fruit ability.
While the effects of the attack have not been seen in the manga, in Pirate Warriors 3 Nami produces a snow cloud that releases a tornado-like snowstorm that freezes surrounding enemies.
Another wasted powerful attack.
7- Rain
This attack is used to make the devil fruits abilities weaker.
8- Wind
This attack bursts and shoots a gust of pressurized air at an enemy at high speed.
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