Is Mithras the same as Mithra? A long thread. Retweets would be appreciated!
This question seems to conjure up debate, both with Euro figures like Varg & Aurelian Press to Zoroastrian enthusiasts like my Aryan friends. They claim Mithra as either strictly Iranian or European. Mithra is greater than your feeble minds to be restricted to your egos.
I will be providing all the evidence I can to put this debate to rest and say it with confidence once and for all, that Mithras is Mithra himself. The evidence presented is for your interpretation and I encourage you to disprove me with your own evidence, if you got any.
Firstly we mention the phases:
Indo-European Mithra/Mitra ~2000 B.C
Mithra the Savior 272 B.C
Roman and Anatolian Mithras, late 100 B.C – 400 C.E
Plagiarism by Christianity & Islam of Mithra’s Powers, 450 C.E
Western Secret Societies ~1000 C.E
Revival of Mithraic Mysteries,1900
It is important to note that the Greco-Persian culture were virtually indistinguishable from one another, and almost all of their gods and goddesses merged together to create deities in which both could worship.
Example of this would be Tir-Tyr, Ahura Mazda-Zeus, Mithra-Perseus.
The Mithra-Perseus is the focus here and I’ll let my educated friends in Zoroastrianism tell you about the Mazda-Zeus infusions. Mithras is the 2nd one from the right. This is the infused pantheon that once stood in Anatolia, with Mithra wearing his iconic Persian-Phrygian cap
The birth of phase 3 Mithraism was born in Anatolia, the same place where they infused Mithra-Perseus, and after the godly Magus figure of Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysian injects in into the Roman empire.
The earliest depictions of Perseus are uncannily like depictions of Mithra. The Phrygian cap has always been and will always be an Iranian symbol. The Magi have been wearing them for eons and the people of Phrygia were Iranian.
In terms of the tauroctony the region of the sky were taurus is, directly above, there is a hero, wearing a Phrygian cap, with a harpe dagger, slaying the bull, is none other than Mithra-Perseus, or then to become as Mithras for Romans.
Many depictions of Perseus show him wearing the Phrygian cap like that of Mithras. In Romano-Greek iconography, anyone wearing the cap is identified as Persian, Anatolian, or has they used to say “oriental”.
We know that the cap that Perseus wears is a divine gift of Hades which makes him invisible and this is more evidence, at least at the time of Herodotus: “The ancients believed that Perseus had some connections with Persia, but since his own name did not mean--
‘the Persian’, they invented a son for him, ‘Perses’, whose name was interpreted as such. This was patently forced since the name appears in Greek literature. Before the historical rise of the Persians. But the rapid rise of the Persian empire within a single generation brought--
speculations that involved this nation with Greek legend so that Skylax of Caryanda, Aeschylus, Hellankikos, Herodotus, and any competed intellectual connected Perseus with Persia.” In fact, all the Mithridatic dynasties claim direct descendant from Perseus himself.
The earliest literally reference to the Mithraic Mysteries consists of a line from Statius’ Thebaid (80C.E): “Persei sub rupibus antri indignata sequi torquentem cornua Mithram.”
”Mithras twisting the unruly horns beneath the rocks of a Persian cave.”
We know the Parthians were Mithraists that worshipped Mithra instead of Mazda. How do we know this?
Their places of worship. Prior to the Sassanid takeover, all temples were called Dar-e-Mehr, (Mithra’s portal) and afterwards they refer to it as Atashkadeh, Fire Temple.
Both figures relate to under ground caverns. The Mithraic Mysteries were often conducted in sub terrain sanctuaries just like the Dar-e-Mehr temples.
Perseus’ birth in the under-ground chamber and the so-called virgin birth from the rock of Mithras, is depicted in all Mithraeums
As Vermaseren says, the birth of Mithras “was in the nature of a miracle, the young Mithras being forced out of a rock as if by some hidden magical power. He is shown naked, save for the Phrygian cap, holding the harpe dagger and torch--
He is the new begetter of light (genitor luminis) born from the rock (deus genitor rupe natus) from a rock which gives birth (petra genetrix). Christians also steal this from Mithraism to plagiarize Jesus’ resurrection from the cave he is put in AND his birth from the Holy Mary
The cave is also of importance for the birth of Mithra-Perseus is in a cave and all Dar-e-Mehr temples are either in caves or made to look like caves. These are all direct evidence of Mithras is Mithra-Perseus.
Furthermore, Byzantine historian Gregories Cedrenus records:
“Perseus is said to have founded a new cult among the Persian Magi, based on celestial secrets: Perseus, they say, brought to Persia initiation and magic, which by his secrets made the fire of the sky descend;--
with the aid of his art, he brought the celestial fire to earth & had it preserved in temples under the name of immortal fire; he chose virtuous men as ministers of a new cult, established the Magi as the depositors and guardian of scared fire which they protected in their caves"
Want more proof? The only accurate depictions of Perseus-Mithra always show that as they slay their enemies they always look away from their terrible gaze, here are some pictures depicting Mithras and Perseus slaying their enemies:
Let’s keep going in case you’re not convinced yet.
The dagger in which Mithras holds is the harpe dagger, Iranian/Persian by origin. Why would Mithras have all these Iranian elements if he is ONLY European? Feeling stupid yet?
The harpe appears as a symbol of the 5th grade of initiation called Perses (Persian) and a curved knife appears on the 7th grade known as grade of Mithras or the Father (Perseus-Mithra father of Persis).
In conclusion, to add a word on the symbolism of the grade of Perses because one may draw from it some interesting conclusions for the whole history of Mithraism--
The initiate to this 5th grade obtained through it an affiliation to that race which alone was worthy of receiving the highest revelations of the wisdom of the Magi. Therefore, he was given for an emblem the harpe, because this harpe is the weapon of Perseus-Mithra, the sword--
fortified with a prickle with menaced Andromeda.
Now, Perseus, by virtue of an etymological connection which goes back to the epoch of Herodotus and is repeated down to the time of Malalas, was regarded as the ancestor, the eponymous hero of the Persians. Even further, however--
Perseus holding the harpe or the harpe by itself as an isolated figure, appears on coins minted in Pontus by Mithridates VI Eupator, one of the most venerated Magis and intellectuals that ever lived.
A king whose name sufficiently indicates a devotion to Mithra;--
and on the same coins of all sovereigns of the Pontic dynasty, in spite of the successions of kings and of the variety of types, there is regularly reproduced the crescent with the start, associated with the sword of Mithra-Perseus.
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